Trainer ID number

A Pokémon trainer's ID number is a five-digit number that is assigned to a trainer when they begin their Pokémon journey. It is used, in conjunction with the trainer's name, to identify whether or not the Pokémon is an outsider Pokémon by the games.

This Charmander's trainer's ID number is 57760.

Special ID numbers

Sometimes, there are special ID numbers assigned to Pokémon if they come from a non-standard Pokémon game or are received as a prize. Examples are below.

  • 02000 - Used for Pokémon won through completion of the Gym Leader Castle in Pokémon Stadium.
  • ????? - Used for Pokémon not yet hatched from their eggs. It will turn into the ID number of the trainer who hatches the Pokémon.
  • 20043 - Used for Jirachi obtained from the Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc. The number refers to the year (2004) and the month (March, the 3rd Month) that Pokémon Colosseum was released in the United States. These Jirachi also have an Original Trainer called "WISHMKR", referring to the sixth movie.
  • 00010 - Used for Pokémon obtained at the Journey Across America Event that celebrated the tenth anniversary of Pokémon.

Hidden ID

In the games, there exists a hidden ID number different to the one that is visible. When a Gameshark code is used so that the shown ID is identical of that of a present pokemon like that shown above, it does not have the corresponding item despite the matching ID.

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