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Hi everyone, There isn't much here but you can have a look. If you have any questions put a note about it on the discussion page and I'll answer back as soon as possible. Enjoy!


Ok, I play Pokémon Pearl,Platinum,Soulsilver and Saphire. I'll tell you my pokemon.


I have defeated the elite four and Cynthia and now onto the National Pokédex. This my usual team but it does ocasionly change. Note: Pokémon in training means Pokémon in boxes.

  • 117.png Name: Seadragon Moves: bubblebeam,blizzard,twister and brine. LV.36
  • 435.png Name: Poisontail Moves: nightslash,rocksmash,sludgebomb and flamthrower. LV.34
  • 370.png Name: Loveheart Moves: waterpulse,waterfall,sweetkiss and tackle. LV.28
  • 134.png Name: Neptune Moves: surf,growl,sandattack,tailwhip. LV.19
  • 164.png Name: Thewiseoldowl Moves: fly,confusion,defog and air slash. LV.36
  • 309.png Name: Thunderfox Moves: thunder,thunderbolt,quickattack and spark. LV.25