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Organizing in-battle quotes + tweaking
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These are [[Raifort]]'s quotes in the [[Pokémon games]].
These are [[Raifort]]'s quotes in the [[Pokémon games]].

==In the core series==
==In the core series games==
===[[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]===
===[[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]===
;[[Naranja Academy|Naranja]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Uva Academy|Uva]]{{sup/9|V}} Academy
;[[Naranja Academy|Naranja]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Uva Academy|Uva]]{{sup/9|V}} Academy
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:''"Heh. You truly are an interesting one, aren't you, <player>? I hope you don't mind if I continue to keep an eye on you!"''
:''"Heh. You truly are an interesting one, aren't you, <player>? I hope you don't mind if I continue to keep an eye on you!"''

;History (1)
* History classes
:''"Oho... I see we have some new students here with us today."''
:;History (1)
:''"My name is Raifort. I will be the one to impart knowledge of the past to your little minds."''
::''"Oho... I see we have some new students here with us today."''
:''"History is a wonderful thing. Truly splendid. The lives of our ancestors throughout history forged the path to the present in which we live!"''
::''"My name is Raifort. I will be the one to impart knowledge of the past to your little minds."''
:''"Today, you shall learn about the most mysterious location in all of Paldea—the [[Great Crater of Paldea|Great Crater]]."''
::''"History is a wonderful thing. Truly splendid. The lives of our ancestors throughout history forged the path to the present in which we live!"''
:''"As you are all aware, a massive crater known as the Great Crater of Paldea exists in the heart of our region."''
::''"Today, you shall learn about the most mysterious location in all of Paldea—the [[Great Crater of Paldea|Great Crater]]."''
:''"The area inside this crater is called [[Area Zero]], and research of its geological strata and material composition has shown that the crater is in fact over one million years old."''
::''"As you are all aware, a massive crater known as the Great Crater of Paldea exists in the heart of our region."''
:''"It was long believed that {{color|f00|a certain something}} rested at the bottom of this mysterious crater."''
::''"The area inside this crater is called [[Area Zero]], and research of its geological strata and material composition has shown that the crater is in fact over one million years old."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this..."''
::''"It was long believed that {{color|f00|a certain something}} rested at the bottom of this mysterious crater."''
:''"What exactly was believed to rest in the depths of the Great Crater—inside Area Zero?"''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this..."''
::'''Treasure''': ''"Heh. That is correct! You are a surprisingly clever one, aren’t you? I see you did your homework prior to coming to my class."''
::''"What exactly was believed to rest in the depths of the Great Crater—inside Area Zero?"''
::'''A {{p|Snorlax}}''': ''"Incorrect! An adorable answer, to be sure, but were you perhaps fooled by my use of “rest”? The correct answer is treasure."''
:::'''Treasure''': ''"Heh. That is correct! You are a surprisingly clever one, aren’t you? I see you did your homework prior to coming to my class."''
::'''A [[Pokémon Center]]''': ''"Incorrect! An interesting answer, to be sure, but that would be quite the anachronistic artifact. The correct answer is treasure."''
:::'''A {{p|Snorlax}}''': ''"Incorrect! An adorable answer, to be sure, but were you perhaps fooled by my use of “rest”? The correct answer is treasure."''
:''"That’s right! Some believed that a treasure more valuable than anything else in this world rested in the depths of the Great Crater!"''
:::'''A [[Pokémon Center]]''': ''"Incorrect! An interesting answer, to be sure, but that would be quite the anachronistic artifact. The correct answer is treasure."''
:''"So much for dreams of treasure hunting, though, as a lab has been built in those very same depths."''
::''"That’s right! Some believed that a treasure more valuable than anything else in this world rested in the depths of the Great Crater!"''
:''"Oh, and before I forget—you would all do well to remember that the Great Crater and Area Zero are both off-limits to all but those who have official business there."''
::''"So much for dreams of treasure hunting, though, as a lab has been built in those very same depths."''
:''"Do not dare entertain the foolish notion of gallivanting off to Area Zero in search of riches. It is no place for children dreaming of treasure and adventure!"''
::''"Oh, and before I forget—you would all do well to remember that the Great Crater and Area Zero are both off-limits to all but those who have official business there."''
:''"Besides, if it were at all possible to investigate the area, I would surely be the first to do so!"''
::''"Do not dare entertain the foolish notion of gallivanting off to Area Zero in search of riches. It is no place for children dreaming of treasure and adventure!"''
:''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
::''"Besides, if it were at all possible to investigate the area, I would surely be the first to do so!"''
:''"This ends today’s lesson. We will unravel more of history’s enigmas together next time."''
::''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
::''"This ends today’s lesson. We will unravel more of history’s enigmas together next time."''

;History (2)
:;History (2)
:''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
:''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us."''
::''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us."''
:''"About two thousand years ago, this region came under the rule of the Paldean Empire."''
::''"About two thousand years ago, this region came under the rule of the Paldean Empire."''
:''"Historical accounts describe the Paldean emperor as being quite the dictator."''
::''"Historical accounts describe the Paldean emperor as being quite the dictator."''
:''"This emperor also zealously believed the legend of the treasure that rests deep within Area Zero."''
::''"This emperor also zealously believed the legend of the treasure that rests deep within Area Zero."''
:''"I must mention that the civilizations of our ancestors were not as developed as ours is today."''
::''"I must mention that the civilizations of our ancestors were not as developed as ours is today."''
:''"People back then were far more likely to believe in mysterious legends, magic, and beings beyond human comprehension."''
::''"People back then were far more likely to believe in mysterious legends, magic, and beings beyond human comprehension."''
:''"In an attempt to gain the power to stand against Paldea’s neighboring countries, the emperor sent people in droves to join the hunt for the fabled treasure of Area Zero."''
::''"In an attempt to gain the power to stand against Paldea’s neighboring countries, the emperor sent people in droves to join the hunt for the fabled treasure of Area Zero."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this..."''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this..."''
:''"Approximately how many years ago was it that the Paldean Empire began to rule this region?"''
::''"Approximately how many years ago was it that the Paldean Empire began to rule this region?"''
::'''About one thousand years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You’re off by an entire millennium! Why, one thousand years ago, the Paldean Empire had already begun to collapse!"''
:::'''About one thousand years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You’re off by an entire millennium! Why, one thousand years ago, the Paldean Empire had already begun to collapse!"''
::'''About two thousand years ago''': ''"Heh. That is correct! You are a surprisingly clever one, aren’t you? I see you’re listening intently to my lecture."''
:::'''About two thousand years ago''': ''"Heh. That is correct! You are a surprisingly clever one, aren’t you? I see you’re listening intently to my lecture."''
::'''About three thousand years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You’re off by an entire millennium! Why, three thousand years ago, the Paldean Empire didn’t even exist yet!"''
:::'''About three thousand years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You’re off by an entire millennium! Why, three thousand years ago, the Paldean Empire didn’t even exist yet!"''
:''"The answer is about two thousand years ago. That is when the Great Era of Exploration began."''
::''"The answer is about two thousand years ago. That is when the Great Era of Exploration began."''
:''"However, it is said that not a single adventurer sent out by the emperor ever reached the depths of Area Zero."''
::''"However, it is said that not a single adventurer sent out by the emperor ever reached the depths of Area Zero."''
:''"Was it the punishing journey itself that barred their way? Or perhaps some unknown creature?"''
::''"Was it the punishing journey itself that barred their way? Or perhaps some unknown creature?"''
:''"The resounding failure of this “Great” Era of Exploration almost certainly heightened the air of mystery surrounding the crater."''
::''"The resounding failure of this “Great” Era of Exploration almost certainly heightened the air of mystery surrounding the crater."''
:''"Oh, what I wouldn’t give to explore Area Zero in its untouched state at that time!"''
::''"Oh, what I wouldn’t give to explore Area Zero in its untouched state at that time!"''
:''"I suppose I can only hope for the swift invention of a time machine."''
::''"I suppose I can only hope for the swift invention of a time machine."''
:''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
::''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
:''"This ends today’s lesson. We will unravel more of history’s enigmas together next time."'
::''"This ends today’s lesson. We will unravel more of history’s enigmas together next time."'

;History (3)
:;History (3)
:''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
:''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us."''
::''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us."''
:''"As you should remember from our last class, Area Zero’s Great Era of Exploration began about two thousand years ago."''
::''"As you should remember from our last class, Area Zero’s Great Era of Exploration began about two thousand years ago."''
:''"This era lasted for approximately one thousand years, but not a single soul was able to venture all the way to the deepest reaches of Area Zero."''
::''"This era lasted for approximately one thousand years, but not a single soul was able to venture all the way to the deepest reaches of Area Zero."''
:''"Having poured much of its human and financial resources into the exploration of Area Zero for so long, the Paldean Empire fell into decline."''
::''"Having poured much of its human and financial resources into the exploration of Area Zero for so long, the Paldean Empire fell into decline."''
:''"Two hundred years later—or eight hundred years ago—the empire and its surrounding nations united into one entity. This was the formation of Paldea as we know it today."''
::''"Two hundred years later—or eight hundred years ago—the empire and its surrounding nations united into one entity. This was the formation of Paldea as we know it today."''
:''"Ah yes, this very academy where you’re now filling your young minds with knowledge was also apparently established at that time."''
::''"Ah yes, this very academy where you’re now filling your young minds with knowledge was also apparently established at that time."''
:''"In fact, this school building—though certainly having undergone repairs through the years—is just as it was when it was built so long ago."''
::''"In fact, this school building—though certainly having undergone repairs through the years—is just as it was when it was built so long ago."''
:''"This very structure is a piece of history! Ahh! Things of old are truly splendid!"''
::''"This very structure is a piece of history! Ahh! Things of old are truly splendid!"''
:''"I would certainly prefer it not to have the [[Poké Ball]] portion, though—a relatively new addition."''
::''"I would certainly prefer it not to have the [[Poké Ball]] portion, though—a relatively new addition."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>."''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>."''
:''"Let’s see if you’ve been listening to my lecture. Tell me—approximately how many years ago was this academy of ours established?"''
::''"Let’s see if you’ve been listening to my lecture. Tell me—approximately how many years ago was this academy of ours established?"''
::'''About six hundred years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You are missing two hundred years of splendid history!"''
:::'''About six hundred years ago''': ''"Incorrect! You are missing two hundred years of splendid history!"''
::'''About seven hundred years ago''' ''"Incorrect! You are missing one hundred years of splendid history!"''
:::'''About seven hundred years ago''' ''"Incorrect! You are missing one hundred years of splendid history!"''
::'''About eight hundred years ago''' ''"Correct! I see the look of concentration on your face was indeed just that. I hate nothing more than when a student only pretends to listen."''
:::'''About eight hundred years ago''' ''"Correct! I see the look of concentration on your face was indeed just that. I hate nothing more than when a student only pretends to listen."''
:''"This academy was constructed exactly 805 years ago, to be precise. In other words, your academy here is 805 years old!"''
::''"This academy was constructed exactly 805 years ago, to be precise. In other words, your academy here is 805 years old!"''
:''"At the time, it offered state-of-the-art facilities and a uniquely innovative curriculum. As such, people used to say..."''
::''"At the time, it offered state-of-the-art facilities and a uniquely innovative curriculum. As such, people used to say..."''
:''"“Those seeking knowledge need look no further than the oranges{{sup/9|S}}/grapes{{sup/9|V}} of Paldea.” That’s right—they were referring to Naranja{{sup/9|S}}/Uva{{sup/9|V}} Academy!"''
::''"“Those seeking knowledge need look no further than the oranges{{sup/9|S}}/grapes{{sup/9|V}} of Paldea.” That’s right—they were referring to Naranja{{sup/9|S}}/Uva{{sup/9|V}} Academy!"''
:''"It is said that this proverb of sorts was even used outside of the Paldea region."''
::''"It is said that this proverb of sorts was even used outside of the Paldea region."''
:''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
::''"Oho, is that the time already? I must’ve gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
:''"This ends today’s lesson. Our next class will be our midterm exam. Bring the wonders of history to the forefront of your minds in preparation."''
::''"This ends today’s lesson. Our next class will be our midterm exam. Bring the wonders of history to the forefront of your minds in preparation."''

;History Midterm
:;History Midterm
* Before the test
:* Before the test
:''"Greetings, my little students. It is time for our midterm examination."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. It is time for our midterm examination."''
:''"Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."''
::''"Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."''
* After the test
:* After the test
:''"Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! That last question was a freebie. Even the least capable of you surely padded your score there. I sincerely hope you did, anyway. So ends your midterm examination. You may ask for your scores at the school's front desk."''
::''"Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! That last question was a freebie. Even the least capable of you surely padded your score there. I sincerely hope you did, anyway. So ends your midterm examination. You may ask for your scores at the school's front desk."''

;History (4)
:;History (4)
:''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
:''"I was hoping to continue unraveling the marvels that history has presented to us today. However, I imagine your ability to concentrate has been spectacularly derailed by my midterm."''
::''"I was hoping to continue unraveling the marvels that history has presented to us today. However, I imagine your ability to concentrate has been spectacularly derailed by my midterm."''
:''"I suppose changing things up for fun and variety may be a good idea every now and then."''
::''"I suppose changing things up for fun and variety may be a good idea every now and then."''
:''"So allow me to tell you an old fairy tale that has been passed down in Paldea for generations."''
::''"So allow me to tell you an old fairy tale that has been passed down in Paldea for generations."''
:''"Once upon a time, there was a king who very much enjoyed collecting treasure. He was particularly fond of treasures from other countries. One day, a merchant from the East heard rumors of this king and came to meet him. The merchant laid out four treasures in front of the treasure-loving king."''
::''"Once upon a time, there was a king who very much enjoyed collecting treasure. He was particularly fond of treasures from other countries. One day, a merchant from the East heard rumors of this king and came to meet him. The merchant laid out four treasures in front of the treasure-loving king."''
:''"The four treasures were as follows: a vessel, a sword, a set of tablets, and a set of beads. Seeing such rarities before him, the king leaped for joy. He showered the merchant with gold coins and claimed all four of the treasures for himself."''
::''"The four treasures were as follows: a vessel, a sword, a set of tablets, and a set of beads. Seeing such rarities before him, the king leaped for joy. He showered the merchant with gold coins and claimed all four of the treasures for himself."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this... I said that one of the treasures was a "set of tablets." What do you think these tablets were?"''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this... I said that one of the treasures was a "set of tablets." What do you think these tablets were?"''
::'''Wooden planks for writing on''': ''"Correct! Your daily pursuit of knowledge serves you well."''
:::'''Wooden planks for writing on''': ''"Correct! Your daily pursuit of knowledge serves you well."''
::'''Handheld electronic devices''': ''"Incorrect! Is that some kind of joke? Were you expecting me to laugh at your assumption that electronic tablets existed in the distant past?"''
:::'''Handheld electronic devices''': ''"Incorrect! Is that some kind of joke? Were you expecting me to laugh at your assumption that electronic tablets existed in the distant past?"''
::'''Medicine that you chew''': ''"Incorrect! Is that some kind of joke? Were you expecting me to laugh at the notion that chewable tablets would be considered treasure?"''
:::'''Medicine that you chew''': ''"Incorrect! Is that some kind of joke? Were you expecting me to laugh at the notion that chewable tablets would be considered treasure?"''
:''"These particular tablets were wooden and used as a writing medium in the East in ancient times. As you may know, they fell out of popular use as paper became more universally available."''
::''"These particular tablets were wooden and used as a writing medium in the East in ancient times. As you may know, they fell out of popular use as paper became more universally available."''
:''"For the king to consider these paper substitutes treasures, they must have been of superb quality. That, or perhaps they had some amazingly profound teachings written on them."''
::''"For the king to consider these paper substitutes treasures, they must have been of superb quality. That, or perhaps they had some amazingly profound teachings written on them."''
:''"So, the king obtained these four treasures, and on that very night...it is said that a terrible disaster rained down upon his castle, reducing it to rubble by dawn."''
::''"So, the king obtained these four treasures, and on that very night...it is said that a terrible disaster rained down upon his castle, reducing it to rubble by dawn."''
:''"Oho, is that the time already? I wasn't done with my story, but alas. So ends today's lesson."''
::''"Oho, is that the time already? I wasn't done with my story, but alas. So ends today's lesson."''
:''"If you are interested in how the story ends, you may come see me outside class hours."''
::''"If you are interested in how the story ends, you may come see me outside class hours."''

;History (5)
:;History (5)
:''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history."''
:''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us. I trust that you all remember our lesson before the midterm exam concerning the Great Crater of Paldea and its interior—Area Zero. This mysterious crater captured the imaginations of many—including the former Paldean emperor. Two hundred years ago, a group of explorers claimed to have finally reached its depths."''
::''"Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us. I trust that you all remember our lesson before the midterm exam concerning the Great Crater of Paldea and its interior—Area Zero. This mysterious crater captured the imaginations of many—including the former Paldean emperor. Two hundred years ago, a group of explorers claimed to have finally reached its depths."''
:''"The name of the team that achieved this great feat was the Area Zero Expedition. The team is said to have been made up of Paldea's best and brightest. Skilled battlers, brilliant researchers—talented individuals of all kinds. Among the list of team members was the name of a man who was an author and brilliant natural historian: [[Heath]]. After returning from the expedition to Area Zero, he used his literary talent to record the events of the expeditions and publish them."''
::''"The name of the team that achieved this great feat was the Area Zero Expedition. The team is said to have been made up of Paldea's best and brightest. Skilled battlers, brilliant researchers—talented individuals of all kinds. Among the list of team members was the name of a man who was an author and brilliant natural historian: [[Heath]]. After returning from the expedition to Area Zero, he used his literary talent to record the events of the expeditions and publish them."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Let's see if you were paying attention. What was the name of the team that first made it to the deepest reaches of the Great Crater?"''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Let's see if you were paying attention. What was the name of the team that first made it to the deepest reaches of the Great Crater?"''
::'''The Area Zero Adventurers''': ''"Incorrect! I see that even your little head has become full of dreams of adventure."''
:::'''The Area Zero Adventurers''': ''"Incorrect! I see that even your little head has become full of dreams of adventure."''
::'''The Area Zero Expedition''': ''"Correct! To pick up on and remember a term I simply slipped into the flow of the lecture... You really are quite the clever one."''
:::'''The Area Zero Expedition''': ''"Correct! To pick up on and remember a term I simply slipped into the flow of the lecture... You really are quite the clever one."''
::'''The Area Zero Survey Corps''': ''"Incorrect! Though I will admit that an expedition and a survey corps may take part in very similar activities!"''
:::'''The Area Zero Survey Corps''': ''"Incorrect! Though I will admit that an expedition and a survey corps may take part in very similar activities!"''
:''"The correct name for this team was the Area Zero Expedition! The record of their activities written by the expedition member Heath can be found in bookstores and the like even today."''
::''"The correct name for this team was the Area Zero Expedition! The record of their activities written by the expedition member Heath can be found in bookstores and the like even today."''
:''"This record is now known as the [[Scarlet Book]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Violet Book]]{{sup/9|V}}. At the time, the entire region of Paldea was absolutely buzzing about Area Zero. The Scarlet Book{{sup/9|S}}/Violet Book{{sup/9|V}} was so popular that practically everyone had a copy. However, the book itself was full of fantastical descriptions and illustrations of things that could never be thought of as real. The masses began to call Heath a liar. Even the truth of the expedition making it to the bottom of the crater was called into question. The Scarlet Book{{sup/9|S}}/Violet Book{{sup/9|V}} was condemned to the shelves of used bookstores as just another book of wild paranormal stories. There's a copy on one of the bookshelves on the ground floor of the entrance hall. Feel free to have a read if you're interested."''
::''"This record is now known as the [[Scarlet Book]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Violet Book]]{{sup/9|V}}. At the time, the entire region of Paldea was absolutely buzzing about Area Zero. The Scarlet Book{{sup/9|S}}/Violet Book{{sup/9|V}} was so popular that practically everyone had a copy. However, the book itself was full of fantastical descriptions and illustrations of things that could never be thought of as real. The masses began to call Heath a liar. Even the truth of the expedition making it to the bottom of the crater was called into question. The Scarlet Book{{sup/9|S}}/Violet Book{{sup/9|V}} was condemned to the shelves of used bookstores as just another book of wild paranormal stories. There's a copy on one of the bookshelves on the ground floor of the entrance hall. Feel free to have a read if you're interested."''
:''"Oho, is that the time already? I must've gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
::''"Oho, is that the time already? I must've gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge."''
:''"This ends today's lesson. We will unravel more of history's enigmas together next time."''
::''"This ends today's lesson. We will unravel more of history's enigmas together next time."''

;History (6)
:;History (6)
:''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history. Today is out last class, so I would like to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us one last time."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history. Today is out last class, so I would like to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us one last time."''
:''"In our last class, I taught you about the Area Zero Expedition of two hundred years ago, correct? Alas, two hundred years is not that long ago. Not that long ago at all. How unfortunate that our history lessons must march so inexorably toward the future."''
::''"In our last class, I taught you about the Area Zero Expedition of two hundred years ago, correct? Alas, two hundred years is not that long ago. Not that long ago at all. How unfortunate that our history lessons must march so inexorably toward the future."''
:''"Would it not be more of an adventure to march toward the past instead? To start from our present and study history in reverse?!"''
::''"Would it not be more of an adventure to march toward the past instead? To start from our present and study history in reverse?!"''
::'''I think it would!''': ''"So you agree with me, do you, <player>? However, I'm afraid I risk incurring the wrath of our dear director if I stray from the curriculum."''
:::'''I think it would!''': ''"So you agree with me, do you, <player>? However, I'm afraid I risk incurring the wrath of our dear director if I stray from the curriculum."''
::'''That might be hard to follow...''': ''"Indeed. It may be difficult to understand the flow of events—how one thing leads to another—if we were to trace history in reverse."''
:::'''That might be hard to follow...''': ''"Indeed. It may be difficult to understand the flow of events—how one thing leads to another—if we were to trace history in reverse."''
:''"*sigh* I suppose I have no choice but to let the flow of time carry us toward the future."''
::''"*sigh* I suppose I have no choice but to let the flow of time carry us toward the future."''
:''"In this last class of ours, I shall fill your minds with the history of the [[Terastal phenomenon]]. The technology behind [[Tera Orb]]s has its origins in Area Zero. Even after the Area Zero Expedition supposedly reached the crater's deepest depths, others continued to explore that area... And, around 140 years ago, Pokémon cloaked in a mysterious light were discovered there. As you may have already guessed, these were, in fact, Terastallized Pokémon. However, when those who discovered these Pokémon brought them out of Area Zero, the light faded, and the Terastal phenomenon remained a mystery for quite some time. However, 10 years ago—ugh, that might as well be present day—a certain someone you have definitely heard of unraveled this mystery."''
::''"In this last class of ours, I shall fill your minds with the history of the [[Terastal phenomenon]]. The technology behind [[Tera Orb]]s has its origins in Area Zero. Even after the Area Zero Expedition supposedly reached the crater's deepest depths, others continued to explore that area... And, around 140 years ago, Pokémon cloaked in a mysterious light were discovered there. As you may have already guessed, these were, in fact, Terastallized Pokémon. However, when those who discovered these Pokémon brought them out of Area Zero, the light faded, and the Terastal phenomenon remained a mystery for quite some time. However, 10 years ago—ugh, that might as well be present day—a certain someone you have definitely heard of unraveled this mystery."''
:''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this... What is the name of the famous professor who unraveled the Terastal phenomenon mystery?"''
::''"Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young <player>. Answer me this... What is the name of the famous professor who unraveled the Terastal phenomenon mystery?"''
::'''Professor Heath''': ''"Incorrect! [[Heath]] is the one who wrote the record of the Area Zero Expedition's activities. You must be remembering our last class together."''
:::'''Professor Heath''': ''"Incorrect! [[Heath]] is the one who wrote the record of the Area Zero Expedition's activities. You must be remembering our last class together."''
::'''[[Professor Sada]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Professor Turo]]{{sup/9|V}}''': ''"Correct! To think that you—a new transfer to our academy—could correctly answer this question... You must be very diligent in your studies."''
:::'''[[Professor Sada]]{{sup/9|S}}/[[Professor Turo]]{{sup/9|V}}''': ''"Correct! To think that you—a new transfer to our academy—could correctly answer this question... You must be very diligent in your studies."''
::'''Professor Clavell''': ''"Incorrect! Or, no...perhaps you are correct, in a roundabout sort of way..."''
:::'''Professor Clavell''': ''"Incorrect! Or, no...perhaps you are correct, in a roundabout sort of way..."''
:''"Approximately 10 years ago, a professor named Sada{{sup/9|S}}/Turo{{sup/9|V}} unraveled the mystery of the Terastal phenomenon. She{{sup/9|S}}/He{{sup/9|V}} discovered that the shining crystals down in Area Zero—or rather, the energy they emit—is what causes Pokémon to Terastallize. This led the professor to invent Tera Orb technology and to develop a practical use for it. This technology was then shared with both the Pokémon League and our academy."''
::''"Approximately 10 years ago, a professor named Sada{{sup/9|S}}/Turo{{sup/9|V}} unraveled the mystery of the Terastal phenomenon. She{{sup/9|S}}/He{{sup/9|V}} discovered that the shining crystals down in Area Zero—or rather, the energy they emit—is what causes Pokémon to Terastallize. This led the professor to invent Tera Orb technology and to develop a practical use for it. This technology was then shared with both the Pokémon League and our academy."''
:''"Rumor has it that Director Clavell was one of the researchers on the professor's team... Alas. This story is much less exciting now that someone we all know appears in it. Modern history truly is dull, isn't it?"''
::''"Rumor has it that Director Clavell was one of the researchers on the professor's team... Alas. This story is much less exciting now that someone we all know appears in it. Modern history truly is dull, isn't it?"''
:''"Thus ends my history classes. Our next session will be our final exam. Bring the wonders of history to the forefront of your minds in preparation."''
::''"Thus ends my history classes. Our next session will be our final exam. Bring the wonders of history to the forefront of your minds in preparation."''

;History Final
:;History Final
* Before the test
:* Before the test
:''"Greetings, my little students. It is time for our final examination."''
::''"Greetings, my little students. It is time for our final examination."''
:''"Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."''
::''"Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."''
* After the test
:* After the test
:''"Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! You must excuse that last question. It is too shallow and ridiculous to be on a history test, but alas...the director forced me to include it."''
::''"Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! You must excuse that last question. It is too shallow and ridiculous to be on a history test, but alas...the director forced me to include it."''
:''"So ends our final examination. You may ask for your scores at the school's front desk."''
::''"So ends our final examination. You may ask for your scores at the school's front desk."''

;[[Academy Ace Tournament]]
;[[Academy Ace Tournament]]
* Before battle
:''"Hello, my little student. I look forward to deciphering the secret to your skill."''
:''"Hello, my little student. I look forward to deciphering the secret to your skill."''
* Upon sending out her last Pokémon
:''"How about taking a page from the history books and allowing me to pull victory from defeat?"''
* In battle
* Upon Terastalizing her {{p|Gengar}}
::'''Upon sending out her last Pokémon''': ''"How about taking a page from the history books and allowing me to pull victory from defeat?"''
:''"It’s time to use the technology born of the Great Crater! Primeval power, spill forth!"''
::'''Upon Terastalizing her {{p|Gengar}}''': ''"It’s time to use the technology born of the Great Crater! Primeval power, spill forth!"''
* Upon using Gengar's {{m|Shadow Ball}}
::'''Upon first using Gengar's {{m|Shadow Ball}}''': ''"It's time to put the history written by you and your Pokémon to the test!"''
:''"It's time to put the history written by you and your Pokémon to the test!"''
::'''Upon being defeated''': ''"Shall I add this defeat to the pages of the history books?"''
* Upon being defeated
:''"Shall I add this defeat to the pages of the history books?"''
* After being defeated
:''"History is written by the victors. Cast aside the vanquished and ascend your rightful throne."''
:''"History is written by the victors. Cast aside the vanquished and ascend your rightful throne."''

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