Rosa (game)

Revision as of 14:46, 25 August 2020 by Coffee (talk | contribs) (→‎Sprites)
メイ Mei
Black 2 White 2 Rosa.png
Official artwork from Black 2 and White 2
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Brown
Hometown Aspertia City
Region Unova
Relatives Mom (as player)
Trainer class Pokémon Trainer, player character
Generation V
Games Black 2, White 2, Masters
Game animation debut Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 Animated Trailer
English voice actor Lisa Ortiz
Kayli Mills (Masters)
Japanese voice actor Aki Toyosaki
Manga counterpart(s) Whitley

Rosa (Japanese: メイ Mei) is the female player character in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Her male counterpart is Nate.

In the games

In the core series

As the protagonist

Rosa is a young girl living in Aspertia City with her childhood friend Hugh. At the start of the game, she sets off with Hugh to collect her first Pokémon. They then go their separate ways, and she starts her journey across the Unova region.

Rental Pokémon in Pokéstar Studios
For all rental teams used by the player at Pokéstar Studios, see here.

As a non-playable character

If the player chooses Nate, Rosa will appear in game as an NPC, first met in Nimbasa City. She will join the player in a Multi Battle against Emmet and Ingo. Afterwards, she will give the player the Vs. Recorder.

Rosa will then appear as the player's partner in the Battle Subway when choosing to ride the Multi-Train. Two of the following Pokémon are picked from the corresponding list, depending on what the player wants her to base her team on. If the player chooses "A balance between the two," Rosa's Pokémon are chosen from either list.

Multi Battle partner

  If the player chose Snivy:

  If the player chose Tepig:

  If the player chose Oshawott:

Battle Subway Pokémon

This is a list of all the Pokémon used in the Multi Train and Super Multi Train battles. Each Pokémon has a non-Hidden Ability that, along with gender, is randomly selected. These Pokémon will always have the maximum 31 individual values across every stat and the full 510 effort values evenly distributed (rounding down) among two or three stats.

Offensive-based Pokémon

Defensive-based Pokémon


Nimbasa City

  • Before battle
"I heard that in Gear Station you can have Pokémon battles in the subway! So I came here to test my skills, and, what do you know… the Subway Bosses were here! Isn't that amazing? I mean, they're the strongest Trainers in Gear Station! And they said they'd battle if it's two on two! This is an a-MAZ-ing opportunity! Would you PLEASE battle with me?"
Yes: "Thanks! Oh! The name's Rosa! Let's become the best partners ever and surpass the Subway Bosses! So I'll have you challenge the Subway Bosses with me, then!"
  • After battle
"They were so tough, even when they were holding back for us! That's the Subway Bosses for you! I want to get even stronger and battle the Subway Bosses when they're giving it their all! Thanks, <player>! This is a token of my appreciation! Please take it!"
"When you have the Vs. Recorder, you can record your battles with your friends or battles on the Battle Subway!"
"<Player>! I had a really great time battling with you! I hope we can battle together again sometime! See you!"

Battle Subway

  • At the Multi Train and Super Multi Train platforms
"It's been a while! It's me, Rosa. Do you remember me? It's your first time challenging the Multi Train, right? Well, you need a partner!" / "Hi, <Player>! Nice to see you again!"
  • Before boarding the Multi Train or Super Multi Train
"Are you here by yourself today? Why don't you team up with me, then? It'll be fun! What sort of Pokémon should I use?"
Focused on Attack: "OK. I'll focus on Attack! Let's show them we are the best pair!"
Focused on Defense: "OK. I'll focus on Defense! Let's show them we are the best pair!"
Focused on Balance: "OK. I'll focus on a balance between Attack and Defense. Let's show them we are the best pair!"
  • After losing/retiring a challenge
"That was really fun! Let's battle together again!"

In the side series

In Pokémon Masters

Rosa joins the player in the first chapter of Pokémon Masters's story with her partner Snivy. The player can obtain evolution crystals and evolve the Snivy into Servine and eventually Serperior. Upon that final evolution, her Serperior learns a new sync move called "Shoot for the Stars Leaf Storm" (which replaces the default "Grass Sync Beam" that the pre-evolutions use).

She was also part of the "Holiday 2019 event" in December 2019 where she wore an alternate holiday-themed outfit and had a Delibird as her partner.

Dex Entries

Rosa's dex entry in Pokémon Masters says "This high-spirited young lady likes to stand out and has a strong sense of justice. Her dream is to have many battles with Trainers all over the world.

"Dressed head to toe for warm hospitality during the holiday season, Rosa and Delibird deliver joy and cheer to all of their friends." is her Holiday 2019 entry.

Voice actors
Language Voice actor
Japanese 豊崎愛生 Aki Toyosaki
English Kayli Mills

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • Sync pair viewer
"My goal is to train hard, get stronger, and battle my heart out against all kinds of Trainers!"
"I'm gonna do my best, so my Pokémon and I can be the best buddies ever!"
  • Upon learning a new move
"Oh, look at that! Think it will help us get stronger?"
  • Upon leveling-up
"Yay! I feel so much stronger."
  • Upon reaching max level
"Is it possible to be too happy?"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Just getting started!"
  • Upon evolving Pokémon
"This is so exciting!"
  • During conversation
"All right!"
"Could you help me out?"
"Excuse me!"
"Thank you!"
"Here we go!"
"Oh, that makes sense."
"You've totally got this!"
"You're fantastic!"
  • Giving out item
"Here, I have a present for you."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • VS screen
"Time for a battle! Bring it on!"
  • Battle start
"Come on!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Here we go!"
"You can do it!"
  • Using item
"I got this!"
  • Using Trainer move
"How's my chance!"
  • Using Sync Move
"It's all or nothing!"
  • Unity Move
  • Switching in
"We're just getting started!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"What? Oh no."
  • "Nice" emote
"Nicely done!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Be careful!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"It's all or nothing!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"Thank you."
  • Defeat
"Oh no..."
  • Victory
"*giggle* We did it!"
Main Story Chapter 5 - The High-Flying Girl
  • The Second PML Leader
"Yep! Her name's Skyla. She's a Gym Leader back in Unova."
"She's super strong, so let's make sure we bring our A game!"
I can't wait to meet her!: "Tee-hee! Hearing she's strong didn't even make you flinch, did it, <player>!"
I wonder what her battle style is like.: "Tee-hee! Your mind is always on Pokémon battling, isn't it, <player>!"
"I'm sure we'll all be fast friends! She's super friendly!"
"Come on! Let's get going!"
  • Dead Set on Victory
"Hey, look! There she is! Skylaaa! ...Huh? What's going on over there?"
"Skyla! Are you OK?! What's going on?"
"His hat?"
"Argh! What's that guy's problem?!"
"You know...while we're on that subject... We were actually hoping we could get a badge from you today, too."
"Good idea! You and <player> must be exhausted after battling that jerk, Lear!"
Main Story Chapter 19 - Rematch vs. Lear!
  • More Precious than Victory
"Yeah, it was before you joined the team, Iris. It didn't go very well for us, though..."
"Yeah! This time we'll win for sure! I believe in you, <player>!"
Let's beat him!: "That's the spirit! We'll be right there with you, supporting you all the way!"
I know.: "What's wrong? I thought you'd be super excited about beating Lear once and for all."
"True! We should all keep that in the back of our minds...including a certain prince!"
"It's almost time. Lear should be arriving soon."
"What?! We'd never run away from a challenge! You seriously underestimate us, Lear!"
"What?! How can you just throw away your Pokémon like that... All because of a tie?!"
"Sync pairs are supposed to be partners! Helping each other get through difficult defeats is part of what makes us grow stronger!"
  • Until Next We Battle
"What? Wait, now that you mention it... I didn't see him use any sync moves in either battle!"
"And you two are OK with that?"
"Lear doesn't depend on anyone but himself. He fights for himself and nobody else, and you two just watch from the sidelines."
"Don't you think that's a little...sad?"
"Let's fight as hard as we can in the finals, team! I want another chance at battling against Lear!"
Main Story Chapter 21 - Face the Fight!
  • Face the Fight: Part 1
"Phew! We made it just in time! We would have missed the opening ceremony if we hadn't run here from the volcano!"
"Hm? Wait, was that..."
"Yeah, I know... I just thought I saw Paulo over there."
"Wha--?! Sawyer?"
"I didn't think he'd be so good at it! I'm glad it was him and not Lear! Can you imagine Lear saying anything like that?"
"I wonder what's going on, though... Lear doesn't seem like the type to pass up being in the spotlight."
"Yeah! Let's see. Our first opponent is..."
  • Face the Fight: Part 2
"I didn't think we would get matched up with Marshal and his team so quickly."
This is so exciting!: "I know what you mean! I can't wait to see all the other teams!"
Our teamwork makes us just as good as any of these other teams!: "You bet! That's why we we've been able to beat the competition up to now!"
"What?! We're facing THEM next?!"
Main Story Chapter 22 - Rival Face-Off!
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 1
"Boy was I surprised when I heard that our second-round opponent was you, Paulo!"
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 2
"Paulo... He kind of looked like he was forcing that smile. I hope he's all right..."
Main Story Chapter 24 - A Shining Spotlight
  • A Dazzling New Stage: Part 1
"Huh? Those clothes..."
"Wow, Elesa! Amazing! Too amazing even!"
"Wow, you're dazzling, Elesa. I feel like my head is spinning."
"Team Break?! What are they doing here?"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"You know, since meeting you, I've learned so many amazing things."
"Things just how precious the bond is between a Trainer and their Pokémon!"
"I still have a lot left to learn, but you just watch! Pretty soon I'll be impressing you with how I've grown!"
  • If spoken to again
"You know, I sometimes get a little sad when I lose a Pokémon battle. Or I feel like I'm just not good enough."
"But then I think about how much potential I have to grow stronger, and suddenly I feel all better!"
"It's important to stay positive, you see? Taking that first little step will really propel you forward!"
  • Random conversation
"There are so many different Trainers from all over the world gathered here on Pasio right now."
"The Pokémon everyone's brought along are all so different, too! I hope I get the chance to battle each and every one."
"You know what? I WILL battle them all! I'm gonna make it happen for sure!"
"This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you know? As a Trainer, I'd be silly to pass it up!"
  • If spoken to again
"As long as you keep on battling, you're bound to end up facing opponents from all over the world!"
"Especially right now, with everyone gathered around for the festivities! It feels like one big party!"
  • Random conversation
"I love going out to big open fields to play with my Pokémon."
"We can relax and soak up the sun, and as a bonus, the photosynthesis process seems to perk up my Grass-type Pokémon!"
"Being there always makes me feel good, too. It's beneficial in all kinds of ways!"
  • If spoken to again
"Wait a sec! Do you think the reason my energy and enthusiasm is always at one thousand percent is because... *gasp*"
"because I'm constantly breathing the pure, clean air that my Grass-type Pokémon produce around me?!"
  • Random conversation
"Pokémon battles are a ton of fun, but sometimes it's nice to just slow down and take a stroll."
"Actually...that's totally a lie."'
"The truth is, I'm always itching to battle! I just love Pokémon battling that much!"
"If someone were to ask me what my favorite thing in the whole wide world is, I would absolutely say Pokémon battling!"
  • If spoken to again
"It's weird... Sometimes I wonder how it's even possible that I love Pokémon battling this much."
"All I know is that for me, Pokémon battling is the funnest thing in the whole universe!"
  • Random conversation
"Are you going out exploring today? I feel like something good's gonna happen!"
"I mean, it's just my intuition, though... It's not like I have proof or anything!"
"Then again, just getting to meet someone and talk to them qualifies as good in my book!"
  • If spoken to again
"I love Pokémon battling, but I also really love talking to other people!"
"Plus I'm greedy, so I just wanna do all the fun stuff all the time!"
"If something fun happens, please tell me! I'd love to hear all about it!"
  • Random conversation (Holiday 2019)
"Getting to pair up with a new Pokémon has been really exciting, but it's kinda made me think about certain things."
"Does she like me? What does she think of me? Am I giving her the right commands? For a while, I couldn't stop thinking about Delibird."
"But then I realized that the only way to find answers was to ask her face-to-face!"
"That's the method I chose, and it's been working out pretty great so far!"
  • If spoken to again
"Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we Trainers could speak Pokémon?"
"I used to think it would be sooo amazing, but recently my opinion's sorta changed."
"Nowadays, I feel like as long as we can get our feelings across, who needs words! That's kinda what it means to be a sync pair, right?"
"Tee-hee! Watching you and your Pokémon together is actually what helped me realize that, <player>."
"I wanna spend even more time with Delibird! The closer we get as friends and partners, the better we'll be able to communicate!"
  • Random conversation (Holiday 2019)
"You know how they call Delibird a Delivery Pokémon? Well, mine likes to give me all sorts of presents!"
"It's mostly just Berries and flowers, but it feels kinda nice to get presents out of the blue like that."
"Although...the other day, I woke up from a nap to find a cast-off Bug Pokémon shell in front of my face."
"It was so freaky! Not exactly the kind of present I'd choose to wake up to."
  • If spoken to again
"The Bug Pokémon shell came as a bit of a shock, but Delibird didn't mean any harm by it."
"I made sure to say thank you to her, and she gave me a little smile in return."
"For me, that little smile was the real present."
  • Random conversation (Holiday 2019)
"Um, e-excuse me... Do you have a minute or two? I'm looking for Trainers to answer my questionnaire."
"OK, first question. Serious answers only, please... What's your favorite...cake flavor?"
"D-don't laugh! It's a serious question! I asked you for serious answers only, remember? Tell me everything you like!"
  • If spoken to again
"Tee-hee! Thank you so much for answering my questions! I really appreciate it."
"I don't have anything with me right now... But I'll be sure to get you a thank-you present soon, OK?"
"Look forward to it!"
  • Random conversation (Holiday 2019)
"Tee-hee! Like my outfit? Siebold gave it to me."
"He told me that in some regions, this outfit symbolizes the spirit of joy and giving. Pretty nice, huh? I love the red-and-white combo."
"My favorite part is that I match Delibird now! Tee-hee! You can totally tell we're a sync pair!"
  • If spoken to again
"What? There are a bunch of other Pokémon that are red and white, too?"
"Let's see... There's Voltorb and Electrode... Zangoose... Wurmple..."
"I guess you're right--I match a bunch of different Pokémon in this outfit! It would be so cool to form a group with all of them!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Hi there! It's not good to stay up too late, you know!"
  • Special gift conversation
"So, the other day I battled this REALLY strong sync pair! I wish you coulda seen the way I handled it!"
"Anyway, I picked this up for you at the time! Here, it's a present!"
"Hope that little present comes in handy for you!"
"I mean, how could anything I give you NOT come in handy? Kidding, kidding..."
  • Special Unova Rally event conversation with Hilbert and Hilda
"Wow, so all of that happened two years before I went on my adventures?"
"There's so much to learn from your stories!"
"It's crazy how different everything was back then."
"Like how Brycen was a Gym Leader or how different Elesa used to look!"
"Let's go ask her! I doubt she'll say no!"


Conceptual artwork Rosa and Snivy concept artwork
for Kotobukiya ArtFx J figurines
Artwork of Rosa and her Snivy
in Pokémon Masters


Sprite from
Black 2 and
White 2
Wonder Launcher sprite from
Black 2 and
White 2
Back sprite from
Black 2 and
White 2
VS sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Model from
6★EX Model from
Masters EX
Holiday 2019 model from
Overworld sprite from
Black 2 and
White 2
Xtransceiver sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Champion challenge
sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
VS model from
6★EX VS model from
Holiday 2019 VS model from

Pokéstar Studios sprites

Heroine portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Heroine back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Ninja portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Ninja portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Ninja back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Captain portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Captain back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Scientist portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Scientist back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Student portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Student back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Princess portrait from
Black 2 and White 2
Princess back sprite from
Black 2 and White 2


In the anime

Rosa in the animated trailer

In the Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Animated Trailer

Rosa appeared in the Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 Animated Trailer, where she was seen battling Cheren at the Aspertia Gym.

Serperior is Rosa's only known Pokémon. She used it during her Gym battle against Cheren's Stoutland.

Serperior's known moves are Hyper Beam, Slam, Frenzy Plant, and Protect.

Debut Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 Animated Trailer
Voice actors
Language Voice actor
Japanese 豊崎愛生 Aki Toyosaki
English Lisa Ortiz
European Spanish Ainhoa Martín

In the Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer

Rosa appeared in the Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer, where she joined Scottie and Brock in a journey across Pasio. In a forest, the trio came across Erika, a Beauty, and a Lass; and battled their Vileplume, Lotad, and Whimsicott, respectively. After Brock's Onix was ensnared in Whimsicott's Leech Seed, Rosa ordered her Snivy to free it. Snivy was then injured by Lotad's Energy Ball, but Brock healed it with a Potion. Rosa's group soon came out victorious, after which Erika joined them on their journey.

Snivy is Rosa's only known Pokémon. Alongside Scottie's Pikachu and Brock's Onix, it battled Erika's Vileplume, as well as a Beauty's Lotad and a Lass's Whimsicott. After freeing Onix from Whimsicott's Leech Seed, Snivy was injured by Lotad's Energy Ball, but Brock healed it with a Potion.

Snivy's only known move is Leaf Tornado.

Debut Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer
Voice actors
Language Voice actor
Japanese 豊崎愛生 Aki Toyosaki

In the manga

Rosa's Pokémon Adventures counterpart, Whitley

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Main article: Whitley (Adventures)

Whitley from Pokémon Adventures is modeled after Rosa. She first appeared in the Black & White arc as a Team Plasma Grunt, and later appeared in the Black 2 & White 2 arc.

In the TCG

Art by kirisAki for the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Rosa in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Rosa Su Cosmic Eclipse   204/236 Dream League   047/049
Cosmic Eclipse   236/236 Dream League   067/049



Language Name Origin
Japanese メイ Mei From 共鳴 kyōmei (resonance)
English Rosa From resonate
German Rosy From resonate
Spanish Nanci From resonancia (resonance)
French Écho From écho (echo)
Italian Rina From risonanza (resonance)
Korean 명희 Myeonghui From 공명 (共鳴) gongmyeong (resonance)
Chinese (Mandarin) 鳴依 Míngyī From 共鳴 gòngmíng (resonance)
Chinese (Cantonese) 鳴依 Mìhngyī From 共鳴 guhngmìhng (resonance)
Brazilian Portuguese Rose From resonate

Player characters
Core series RedLeafEthanKrisLyraBrendanMayLucasDawn
Side series WesMichaelNateCyndy
Spin-off games MarkMintTodd SnapLucy Fleetfoot
HeroHeroineTim GoodmanScottieBettie

Non-player characters in the core series games
Unova Professor JuniperMom (BW)Mom (B2W2)CherenBiancaBianca's fatherHughHugh's sisterCedric JuniperFennelAmanita
CilanChiliCressLenoraHawesLoblollyCharlesIrisDraydenAlderBengaCurtisYancyBrycenSabrinaPop Roxie
HilbertHildaNateRosaIngoEmmetCynthiaLookerNColressMorimotoNishinoPokémon Fan Club Chairman
Team PlasmaClydeGym LeadersElite FourPWT participantsName RaterDay-Care CoupleJudgeMagikarp salesman

Characters appearing in Pokémon Masters EX
Pasio ScottieBettieLearRachelSawyerPauloTina
Kanto BrockMistyLt. SurgeErikaBlaineLoreleiBrunoAgathaJanineKogaBlueGiovanniLeafLanceProfessor OakRedSabrinaJessieJamesAshElaineChase
Johto KrisBugsyWhitneyPryceClairWillKarenLyraEthanSilverJasmineMortyFalknerEusineArcherArianaPetrelProton
Hoenn BrendanRoxanneBrawlyFlanneryNormanWinonaTateLizaPhoebeDrakeNolandGlaciaZinniaStevenWallaceWallyLucyLisiaMayMaxieArchieSidneyCourtney
Sinnoh BarryRoarkGardeniaMayleneCrasher WakeCandiceFlintThortonCherylMarleyCynthiaFantinaDawnCyrusVolknerDarachLucasAaronBerthaLucianLookerAdamanIridaPalmerArgentaAkariReiRileyDahliaVolo
Unova RosaClaySkylaBrycenIrisRoxieMarlonShauntalMarshalCherenHilbertHildaElesaCaitlinGrimsleyBurghAlderNateBiancaNGhetsisIngoEmmetHughColressLenoraBrycen-ManBellelba
Kalos GrantKorrinaRamosWulfricSieboldWikstromViolaCalemValerieClemontSerenaLysandreProfessor SycamoreDianthaEvelynNitaHelenaKaliShaunaEmmaOlympiaDrasnaDanaKatherineTierno
Alola HauSophoclesMinaOliviaHapuKahiliNanuAcerolaKukuiPlumeriaGuzmaLusamineGladionLillieMolayneMallowSeleneElioLanaKiaweHalaThe Masked RoyalNaomiAnabelRyuki
Galar GloriaPiersLeonMarnieRaihanNessaBeaHopAllisterSoniaBedeGordieMelonyVictorBall GuyRoseOleanaEvePeteyKabu
Paldea NemonaPennyIonoGrushaGeetaJacqRikaPoppyLarry
NPCs Professor BellisTristaTriciaTrinniaMeowthTabithaMattShellyMarsJupiterSaturnCilanChiliCressChuckKiyoShadow TriadTrevorMalvaFabaTeam Break

  This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.