
Revision as of 16:56, 23 February 2008 by PAK Man (talk | contribs)

Zander (Japanese: Zenkichi) is a character of the day who appeared in Caterpie's Big Dilemma. His English voice actress is Rebecca Honig.

A student of Dr. Gordon's, Zander appears to spend most of his time at the doctor's lab. It was there that the young boy met Ash and his friends, who he believed were thieves trying to sneak into the lab. When he realized that they were actually heading to Saffron City, he immediately apologized. Soon afterwards, Team Rocket broke into the doctor's lab and spilled some of his Mystery Candy Complete, which Zander's Caterpie immediately ate. The Bug Pokémon immediately began to grow, until it became bigger than the doctor himself.

Caterpie escaped the lab and climbed up a structure, where it promptly evolved into Metapod. Suddenly, Team Rocket reappeared and kidnapped the doctor after feeding the candy to their Dustox and Cacnea. Metapod then evolved into Butterfree, and with Zander and Ash, saved the doctor from the evil trio.

After the rescue, Butterfree shrunk down back to its normal size. Zander was proud of his first Pokémon for saving the doctor, and he bid farewell to Ash and the others, with the promise that he and Ash would meet again someday.


  This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.