Talk:Mold Breaker (Ability)

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Would anyone be willing to compile a list of abilities that are negated by Mold Breaker? Diachronos 17:04, 3 October 2008 (UTC)

Um. Well pretty much it just ignores the abilities completely. You can use a Fire move on a Flareon and it'd hurt it, or a Ground move on Gengar and it'd be a goner. Provided you were fast enough. TTEchidna 18:44, 3 October 2008 (UTC)
But my Cranidos attacked a Pikachu with Headbutt and became Paralized by Static. Explain that! (That was today or last night, too!) Me and my fellow torchics agree on this - Sk8torchic. 20:56, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
Err, static doesn't prevent you from being hit, it only paralyzes those who do it, so Mold Breaker does nothing. CubeShapedWatermelon 21:32, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
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