I know there was an error on the reverse holo of a Forretress, where the Pineco picture on it was extremely light, but I can't remember what set it was in--BJG

Where should the misprinted Ancient Mew go? Nintendo promos? Or will there be a special section for Japanese errors?


The previous editor used opinions like VERY FEW which I don't think that would not meet the standards. Does anyone think so? --Jemar 05:09, 10 August 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for improving the page! Now it will improve!--Jemar 05:42, 10 August 2007 (UTC)

Could somebody please help me again on the page because there are a lot of things that are not supposed to be there.--Jemar 07:54, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

Actually, some error cards are more common than their correct counterparts (for example, the misprinted Dark Vileplume is actually about twice as common as the correct version).--Yoshi1001 15:55, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

Let's improve it more!

We have been editing this page for a while. Yet it still does not meet the standards! Somebody please help us (me and the other editors)!

I'm looking over this page and think that, before revising further, it would be very helpful to add in a brief description of the anatomy of a Pokemon:TCG card. Perhaps a labeled image or diagram, as well. This will be especially useful for readers unfamiliar with the Pokemon TCG or TCGs in general, and who may be accessing the page to learn more about the subject. The article describes errors in specific parts of the cards--the evolution box, HP's, text, attack energy cost symbols; I don't know if there are standard names for the different sections of the cards or not, official or otherwise, but it'd be good to know before heading into this. Thoughts? -Pdrydia 19:21, 26 September 2007 (UTC)

I've seen a few Mysterious Treasures and EX Hidden Legends cards where the main box is either to far up or to far down. These include reverse-holo Maganium, Unown M, and Clamperl. -Groudon465File:Ani383MS.gifFile:Ani201MS.gif



  • Neo Destiny Set : «Dark Haunter's "Call Back" attack's clause leave out the word "opponent's"»
  • PokeZam.com - Card Errors : «Dark Haunter's Call Back attack's clause leave out the word "opponent's"».

--Valepert 16:54, 2 October 2007 (UTC)

Hmm... All I can say is reword it so it's not the same thing, as much as you can. Perhaps later on I'll change it all to charts. TTEchidna 19:37, 2 October 2007 (UTC)
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