Phione- Legendary or not?

can phione really be considered a legendary? It is by no means limited to one a game cartridge as legendary Pokemon are, given that it can breed with Ditto as well as any Magnemite, Rotom, or Baltoy. It's base stats are the same as Glalie's. Which is NOT legendary. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in order to be a legendary, doesn't a Pokemon have to be only one per game without trading, and have at least SOMEWHAT good stats?

In my opinion, it's okay the way this article puts it. It doesn't mention Phione being a legendary, yet it's in the legendary category because it's related to Manaphy (and its Pokédex number is among legendaries). Kind of like an honorable mention in lists, but still not worth of mentioning a legendary status when talking about Phione itself. --Johans 16:43, 15 June 2007 (UTC)
Hmm... It's because of the criterion of mine I mentioned in the last paragraph that I didn't like this update. I wonder if somebody agrees with me. Was it really necessary to mention that "it's still considered a legendary"? --Johans 00:30, 24 June 2007 (UTC)
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