
Welcome to Bulbapedia, Mesuxelf!

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On Bulbapedia, the ability to edit personal userpages is a privilege. Per our userpage policy, this must be earned by first making constructive edits to the mainspace. Once you can, remember to keep userspace edits (edits to User:Mesuxelf) to a minimum.

For a complete list of policies and editing advice, please see the Welcome Portal.
 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Psyライダー 15:33, 29 May 2010 (UTC)  

About new pages

That "Pokemon facts" page... well, when you're making new pages you don't fill them up with trivia like that. That's what the trivia section on every page is for. If you need any help with standards, look at... pretty much any page on the wiki here for an example, really. Be sure to read your welcome (big green box above this message), too. ▫▫ティナ 16:39, 29 May 2010 (UTC)


Stop adding trivia, please. What you are adding is pointless and unnecessary. -Sketch 21:16, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

If it's removed, don't add it back. That's a great way to get banned. -Sketch 21:20, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
A reminder. Trivia is very unimportant. It is a good thing if a page has a short trivia section. Please be aware that if any trivia point can also apply to a group of more than five Pokémon, or when only a small number are 'eligible', for the trivia, for example if it specifies a type, if the number is greater than about 10% of the group it is not notable. Trivia which is not notable will be removed. Changes throughout evolution and descriptions of the Pokémon are also generally not notable trivia, as it can easily be seen by the users in the evobox or artwork. None of the trivia you are adding at the moment is notable.
Also, please be aware that this kind of edit is not tolerated. Such edits can be considered vandalism, even if it is immediately undone, when similar edits are made. Werdnae (talk) 22:44, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Userspace limits

Hi. I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. Please don't do it any more, though. Bulbapedia's Userspace policy restricts the amount you can edit your userpage: no more than three edits per day. This policy was instated to prevent strain on our server, and also to promote people helping out in the mainspace. Bulbapedia is an encyclopedia, after all, so help us out by contributing to some articles before coming back to your personal userpage. The more often you edit in the mainspace, the more you will be allowed to edit your userpage. Thanks! ----無限の知性DENNOUZENSHI 16:35, 12 December 2010 (UTC)