Salveyo weed

Revision as of 02:54, 9 February 2007 by PAK Man (talk | contribs) (Expanded article and added pic)

Salveyo weed is a weed that only grows on clear lake bottoms. Poliwag are known to eat this weed. Misty used it to cure Ash and Tracey of a Vileplume's Stun Spore in The Stun Spore Detour, with the help of a friendly Poliwag.

File:Salveyo weed.jpg
A pile of Salveyo weed from the anime.

Meanwhile, Jessie had also been a victim of Stun Spore, and James and Meowth also tried to locate the Salveyo weed to help cure her. They tried to steal it from Misty using a variety of techniques, including battling, trying to lure her with dresses, perfume and food, and even dressing up as a woman and her child. In the end, Misty just gave the weed to them since she realized all they wanted was to make Jessie better.
