243 s.png This user comes from India.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
hi This user is a native speaker of Hindi.
307.png This user is a Hindu.
034.png This user identifies as male.


Spr 4d 385 s.png This user joined Bulbapedia on March 12, 2013.

Age 13 (as of 28th october 2012)
Gender Male
Hometown Pallet Town
Region South Asia

My Likes and Dislikes

I really want to see Ash and Serena in shipping together.!!!!!!!

  • This user hates, users that don't know anything and pretend that they will be the admins like name removed.
  • This user also hates other Pokémon websites except Bulbapedia.
  • This user will fight against Vandalism.
  • This user doesn't like user tags, Instead Viv likes to write on his own.
  • This user wants his country to indulge more in Pokémon games less in anime, as this user thinks that many people of his country wouldn't even know about Pokémon games, in spite of many-many people watching the anime.
  • This user is watching Pokémon anime since its debut in the India Subcontinent.
  • My Favorite vegetable is Okra and I really dislike eating PUMPKIN.