Hi I'm Vulpix 2010 and mostly post comments on Bulbapedia and some times Bulbagarden forums.


I have a few but narrowed it down to top 10.

10: Suicune. I like alot of Legendarys but this is my fave♥♥♥♥ 09: Totodile. I dont know why but every time I see this pokemon I kinda think its cute ♥♥♥♥♥ 08: Furret. So cute, so adorble. Who would not like it!!!!!!!! 07: Eevee. I like all of its eeveelutions as well but its mostly boy:( Such a shame 06: Espeon. I normally hate phycic types but this one I love.♥ Have it on every game 05: Charmander. It gives the memorys of Misty and puts the flame back in my heart 04: Chickorita. One of the only grass types I like 03: Togepi. I like all its evelotions but this ones the best 02: Ninetales. It is very close to no.1 but just could'nt get there 01: Vulpix. My favourite of all is Vulpix♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Best pokemon of all time.


Fire definately!