User:Jioruji Derako/Archive 3

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Archive 1
Archive 2

This user lieks mudkipz.

Actually, scratch that. They're not my favorite Pokémon. This user lieks Sneaselz. -- Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 07:42, 30 July 2008 (UTC)

I used to liek mudkipz, but don't anymore. Dead meme is dead. Glinn Mgraw 10:56, 30 July 2008 (UTC)


BLOCK HIM NOW! He's been repeatedly told to stop his Paul's Magmar article business, puts it on hand, and puts an ot of nowhere Drapion on hand as well--KukiTalk 22:42, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

I thought maybe he'd stopped, considering he might not have seen his warning at first. But he made another edit, so I gave him three days to think about it. -- Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 22:48, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

Please tell your fellow admins to back off

Moldy Orange and TTEchinda are both getting on my nerves and harassing me, not to mention having conversation about me in a disrespectful and unadmin like way. Plus this here What does my religion or lack of have to do with anything. These editors and admins are being disrespectful, uncivil and not doing their jobs and abusing and intimidating others with their power. Yami 20:37, 8 September 2008 (UTC)

Oh, wow. Is this whole thing still going on? Listen. Everyone brought up their points politely to you, at first. You are the one who not only continued each discussion, but accused the other editors of "harassing" you over each point. User talk:Yami Takashi#Porygon/2/-Z's Body Types is one example. Both Porygon-Z and Moldy Orange stated the facts on the topic; we reference the games themselves for body type information, capitalize Pokémon properly, and so on. Your response was that you "don't care if it's a capital P", and to "stop bothering me". Trying to help out is all fine and dandy, but you've got to know when to listen to other people's opinions (or facts) when they present them.
If you post anything on a wiki, anyone is allowed to contribute. This includes conversations; if you have to tell people that they "have no place in it", then perhaps you should be holding the conversation in a more... I dunno, private space. E-mail, instant message.
Look. If you really believe that the users here are ganging up on you, trolling and flaming, then be mature about it. Don't reply to insulting comments, bring it up with another user if you must. If you believe a comment to be insulting, then don't dignify it with a response. Otherwise, when an argument is the end result, it's as much your fault as the other participants.
Drop the topic(s), stop talking with the people you think are biased against you. A social "time out", so to speak. I'm trying to be a unbiased third-party here, but if you continue these discussions the way you have been, I don't think I can stay unbiased on the subject. -- Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 22:44, 8 September 2008 (UTC)


You made the lulz go bye bye... TTEchidna 04:32, 9 September 2008 (UTC)

A shame, really. I banned him as fast as I possibly could, because I just know there were probably three other admins who would be doing the exact same thing... -- Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^ 04:34, 9 September 2008 (UTC)