
Joined 11 November 2008
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During the course of her [[Sinnoh]] journey, she caught a [[Giant Pokémon|Giant]] {{p|Drifloon}}, a {{p|Chatot}}, a {{p|Mime Jr.}}, despite her fear of clowns, a {{p|Gible}}, and a {{p|Shinx}}. Gible evolved into {{p|Gabite}}, but not {{p|Garchomp}} yet. Her Drifloon was also a baby, along with her Mime Jr. Shinx evolved all the way to a {{p|Luxray}}. She still enjoyed contests and participated in them.
During the course of her [[Sinnoh]] journey, she caught a [[Giant Pokémon|Giant]] {{p|Drifloon}}, a {{p|Chatot}}, a {{p|Mime Jr.}}, despite her fear of clowns, a {{p|Gible}}, and a {{p|Shinx}}. Gible evolved into {{p|Gabite}}, but not {{p|Garchomp}} yet. Her Drifloon was also a baby, along with her Mime Jr. Shinx evolved all the way to a {{p|Luxray}}. She still enjoyed contests and participated in them.
===Nareta's Teams===
'''Pichu > Pikachu > Raichu''' (Small)
Ability: Static
Nature: Brave
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 25 lbs.
Attacks: Thunder, Thunder Bolt, Thunder Wave, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Protect
Personality: Raichu is kind and caring, but will show it off if she doesn't like you. She is a take-charge kind of Pokemon, and will do anything to protect her friends. Even if she doesn't care about the person, if Nareta likes them she will be nice to them as well. Intelligent and stubborn, she will stand up for what she believes in and will not let anyone else tell her otherwise. She is strong-willed and very strong.
Gender: Female
'''Hitokage > Rizado > Rizadon''' (Giant)
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Rash
Height: 8'10"
Weight: 496 lbs.
Attacks: Seismic Toss, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, DragonBreath, Wing Attack, Metal Claw, Brick Break, Fly, Overheat, Scary Face
Personality: Although big and fierce, Rizadon has a soft side. In fact, he is just a big teddy bear. Many Pokemon and people are afraid of this tame Rizadon, but that's only because of his size. The only time he would fight is if Nareta wanted him to. Rizadon is very competitive, but won't let that get in the way of anything his trainer wants him to do. When given the chance, he will gladly show off his tremendous Speed, and Defense. He may not be the smartest of the bunch, but he is the most kind-hearted.
Gender: Male
'''Kodakku > Gorudakku'''
Ability: Damp
Nature: Hasty
Attacks: Psybeam, Psychic, Brick Break, Water Gun, Surf, Hydro Pump, Counter, Slash
Personality: Gorudakku is a big show-off. He will always flex his muscles, epsecially for the ladies, but mostly Nareta. Whenever a Pokemon crushes on Nareta, Gorudakku will be there to tell it off. Gorudakku always gets jealous. He knows he's special, knowing both {{M|Psybeam}} and {{M|Psychic}} from birth, and loves to use those moves.
Gender: Male
'''Fushigidane > Fushigiso'''
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Lax
Attacks: Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Tackle, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, SolarBeam
Personality: Fushigiso is extremely nice and loves his trainer. He doesn't easily fall in love, but had fallen in love with a female Fushigiso. When challenged by another, bigger Fishigiso, it immediately agreed, beating its all-offense tactics with strategy and speed. He is Nareta's fatest Pokemon. The story with the female Fushigiso proves that he would do anything for the one he loves. However, it is also extremely carefree and relaxed.
Gender: Male
'''Ibui > Burakki''' (Shiny)
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Serious
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Beat Up, Assurance, Iron Tail, Tackle,  Snatch, Thief, Moonlight
Personality: As an Ibui, he was extremely happy and laid-back, but once he evolved, he was confused about his life. Many questions, like 'why am I here?', and 'what is my purpose?' usually ran through his mind. Nevertheless, he always fought gallantly. He tries to prove he's better than everyone else and will even take on Pokemon types (i.e., fighting, bug) that he is weak against to show everyone what he's made of. He's usually angry, but cares for some people.
Gender: Male
'''Gadi > Uindie'''
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Naughty
Attacks: Take Down, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Fire Spin, Bite, ExtremeSpeed
Personality: Even as a Gadi, he was extremely mischevious. When he wanted to do something, he'd do it no matter the consequences. Before Nareta got ahold of him as a Gadi, he was a thief, stealing anything he could get his hands on. However, Uindie is deathly afraid of Ghost-Type Pokemon, refusing to fight them.
Gender: Male
