XY127: Difference between revisions

1,715 bytes added ,  24 July 2016
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Hawlucha's dignified and distinguished status
Hawlucha's dignified and distinguished status
as the forest champion.
as the forest champion.
Ash makes the first move with a Karate Chop
from Hawlucha, which directly hits Slaking,
barely damaging it. Next, Ash tries a High
Jump Kick, followed by an X-Scissor ,
succeeded by a barrage of Karate Chops-
none of the attacks is able to break through
Slaking's impervious endurance.
Ash's friends and the others are completely
clueless about what is going on. But Clemont
correctly deciphers that, Hawlucha has so far
battled against retaliating opponents, but an
opponent like Slaking, which just endures its
blows, without countering them, must have
made Hawlucha confounded and exhausted.
Sawyer has his Slaking use Slack Off, restoring
its energy . Ash tries to repeatedly attack it,
commanding Hawlucha to use a High Jump
Kick and an X-Scissor in quick succession, but
Slaking is unperturbed and takes both hits
with ease.
Ash orders his Hawlucha to use Flying Press
on Slaking, but suddenly Sawyer becomes
proactive , and tells his Slaking to use
Counter. With a hard-hitting punch,
Hawlucha, which was swooping down to
execute the attack, is sent flying. Upon
impacting a tree-trunk, it falls down
unconscious,unable to battle.
Ash compliments Sawyer on his superb
strategy, and sends out Talonflame, against
Slaking. Talonflame uses Steel Wing, which
Sawyer tries to counter with Hammer Arm,
which it does, but abruptly, Talonflame
changes its track,and lands the blow on
Slaking's torso, and it falls on its back.
Sawyer again tries to replenish its HP with
Slack Off, but Ash is not caught off guard this
time, he orders Talonflame to use Flame
Charge, before Slaking was completely healed.
The attack severely damages Slaking, and a
follow up Brave Bird from Talonflame
ultimately overpowers it.

==Major events==
==Major events==