BW107: Difference between revisions

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{{incomplete plot}}
As {{Ash}} and {{un|Cameron}} get ready to commence their battle, Cameron reveals his secret weapon: {{p|Hydreigon}}. Just as Ash looks Hydreigon up on his [[Pokédex]], everyone in the stands ({{an|Iris}}, {{TP|Iris|Axew}}, {{an|Cilan}}, {{an|Bianca}}, and [[Stephan]]) and [[Virgil]] appear very surprised at his first choice. Ash sends out his {{AP|Boldore}}, and Cilan points out that Ash has made a good first choice. Ash and Cameron then get ready to battle.
Hydreigon starts out with {{m|Tri Attack}}, and Ash commands Boldore to dodge, but it doesn't do it fast enough and takes damage from the attack. Hydreigon then follows up with {{m|Dragon Pulse}}, and Boldore takes damage from that as well. However, it recovers, and is commanded by Ash to use {{m|Rock Blast}}, which Hydreigon dodges. Boldore then goes in for a super effective {{m|Rock Smash}}, which is commanded to be dodged by Cameron. However, Hydreigon doesn't do it in time and takes some damage. Just when Ash thinks he is gaining momentum, Hydreigon quickly recovers and fires back with a ground-shaking {{m|Dragon Rush}}, and follows up with a second Tri Attack. After this, Ash commands Boldore to use {{m|Flash Cannon}}, while Cameron commands Hydreigon to counter with Dragon Pulse. Hydreigon's attack overpowers Boldore's and knocks it out.
Ash recalls Boldore and becomes very surprised at Hydreigon's power. Ash's next choice is {{AP|Oshawott}}, and everyone watching becomes surprised at this, thinking that Ash is using Oshawott as a "chip-away" Pokémon. However, Cilan takes Ash's back by saying that he would never do something like that, and that he would give it his all without holding back.
The battle continues, and Oshawott starts out with {{m|Aqua Jet}}, which lands. Oshawott then follows up with a {{m|Razor Shell}}, to which Hydreigon dodges and responds with a Dragon Pulse, causing Oshawott halved-damage since he deflected with his [[Scalchop]]. Oshawott then goes in for another Razor Shell which lands and keeps the pressure on Hydreigon. Cameron then notices how strong Oshawott is, just as his Hydreigon is hit again, this time by Oshawott's {{m|Water Gun}}. However, Hydreigon fires right back with Tri Attack, only to make Oshawott bounce back and use {{m|Tackle}}, causing Hydreigon even more damage. Knowing this is his chance, Ash commands another Razor Shell, but resilient Hydreigon shuts Oshawott's attack off with {{m|Double Hit}}, and finally knocks him out with a Dragon Rush, getting itself a second win.
Ash recalls Oshawott and everyone in the stands begins worrying that Cameron will win this battle easily, while Virgil begins worrying that he may be the one facing Cameron and Hydreigon if Ash loses. Ash's third choice is {{AP|Pignite}}, and the two sides get ready to continue their battle.
Pignite's first move is his new move: {{m|Brick Break}}, which lands and causes Hydreigon super effective damage. However, Pignite is then hit by three of Hydreigon's attacks in a row: Dragon Pulse, Tri Attack and Dragon Rush. However, it survives, and appearing surprised at this, Iris and Cilan both comment on Pignite's awesome spirit. Pignite fires right back with a combination of Brick Break and {{m|Flame Charge}}, and everyone in the stands continue to cheer him and Ash on. Hydreigon then goes in for a Double Hit, but Pignite dodges and uses {{m|Fire Pledge}}, which Hydreigon flies up in the air to dodge. This was a mistake, however, because it made Hydreigon vulnerable to Pignite's {{m|Flamethrower}} attack. Just as Hydreigon is beginning to look weak, Ash commands his Pignite to use a final Brick Break while Hydreigon is commanded by Cameron to use a final Double Hit. Both Pokémon approach each other with their attacks ready, but Pignite's attack dominates Hydreigon's, and finally knocks it out.
Cameron recalls Hydreigon and everyone in the stands starts breathing again when they see that Ash is finally bouncing back. Ash then asks Cameron who his next Pokémon will be, and he smacks himself with his headband to give himself an idea. However, he chooses {{p|Ferrothorn}}, a Pokémon who is at a huge disadvantage against a {{t|Fire}} and {{type|Fighting}} like Pignite.
Ferrothorn's first attack is {{m|Metal Claw}}, which Pignite dodges with ease. Its next attack is {{m|Pin Missile}}, which lands but causes Pignite small damage. Pignite fires right back with Flamethrower, causing Ferrothorn a lot of damage. However, Ferrothorn fires right back with a {{m|Mirror Shot}}, but Pignite dodges and uses Flame Charge, which knocks Ferrothorn out, giving Pignite his second win.
Cameron recalls Ferrothorn and everyone in the stands continues cheering Ash on now that he has back-to-back victories. Cameron's third choice is {{p|Samurott}}, a better choice to battle Pignite.
Pignite is commanded by Ash to use his Flamethrower, while Samurott is commanded by Cameron to use her {{m|Hydro Cannon}}. Samurott's attack completely overpowers Pignite's and causes him massive damage. However, he is still standing and goes right in for a Brick Break, but Samurott easily dodges. Samurott then uses a super effective Aqua Jet, which knocks Pignite out.
Ash recalls Pignite and both sides begin to rant to each other about how they feel that they could "win every battle forever". Ash's fourth choice is none other than {{AP|Pikachu}}, and everyone in the stands becomes excited since an {{type|Electric}} Pikachu has an advantage over a {{type|Water}} Samurott.
Pikachu starts out with {{m|Thunderbolt}}, but Cameron's steals Ash's thunder and has Samurott deflect it with Razor Shell. Ash becomes impressed at Samurott's strength and has Pikachu go in for a {{m|Quick Attack}}. However, Samurott overpowers Pikachu with another Razor Shell, and follows that up with Hydro Cannon. Samurott then attempts to hit Pikachu with a {{m|Megahorn}}, but he dodges and goes in for another Quick Attack. Thinking he can pull the same thing off twice, Cameron commands Samurott to counter with Razor Shell again. However, Pikachu dodges and lands his attack on Samurott, and goes right into an {{m|Iron Tail}}, causing Samurott even more damage. Pikachu then uses {{m|Electro Ball}}, but Samurott again deflects with Razor Shell. However, Pikachu hits her with another Iron Tail, knocking her out. Now that Ash is finally showing some progress, everyone in the stands continues cheering him on.
Cameron recalls Samurott and immediately sends out {{p|Swanna}}, a surprising choice to battle an Electric-type like Pikachu. Swanna goes in for {{m|Pluck}}, but Pikachu dodges. Cameron then tells Swanna not to stop until it lands the attack, but Pikachu is just too fast, and as such dodges every one of them. Cameron commends Pikachu for his awesome speed, just as Ash commands Quick Attack. However, Swanna dodges and fires back with {{m|Wing Attack}}, which lands and causes Pikachu some damage. Swanna immediately follows up with a combination of {{m|Bubble Beam}} and Wing Attack, but Pikachu dodges both of them and hits Swanna with Electro Ball, knocking it out.
Cameron recalls Swanna, and both he and Ash commend each other for the great skills of both of their Pokémon. Cameron's fifth choice is his {{TP|Cameron|Riolu}}, and he points out that the entire battle is in Riolu's hands. Ash becomes confused at this comment, saying that Cameron should still have Riolu and another Pokémon left to battle with. Cameron then reveals that he thought that a Full Battle was a 5-on-5 battle, but Ash informs him that a Full Battle is actually a 6-on-6 battle. Everyone in the stands becomes shocked that Cameron didn't know this, but Cameron says that he is okay with using only Riolu to battle Ash's three remaining Pokémon. Ash then substitutes Pikachu for {{AP|Unfezant}}, and Cilan says that this is a smart choice since {{type|Flying}}s have the advantage over {{type|Fighting}}s. Iris then says that Riolu is a strong Pokémon, and that Unfezant won't win easily.
Unfezant starts out with {{m|Gust}}, but Riolu jumps and dodges. Unfezant then uses Quick Attack, but Riolu jumps and dodges that as well and lands on top of Unfezant's back. Riolu then uses back-to-back {{m|Force Palm}}s, but Unfezant recovers and gets Riolu off of her back, moving right into {{m|Air Cutter}}. However, Riolu dodges again and is commanded by Cameron to use {{m|Copycat}}. Riolu's move emulates Unfezant's Air Cutter and sends it right back at her. Riolu follows that up with {{m|Vacuum Wave}}, which lands and causes Unfezant even more damage. However, Unfezant recovers and goes in for an {{m|Aerial Ace}}, but Riolu shuts her attack off with {{m|Circle Throw}}, smashing her against the wall and knocking her out, despite being at a disadvantage by type.
Ash recalls Unfezant and then chooses {{AP|Snivy}}. Riolu starts off with Vacuum Wave, but Snivy dodges and uses {{m|Leaf Blade}}, causing Riolu blistering damage. However, Riolu uses Copycat and fires Snivy's Leaf Blade right back at her. Riolu attempts to follow up with another Vacuum Wave, but Snivy dodges again. However, this leaves her vulnerable to Riolu's Force Palm and Circle Throw combination, and she takes even more damage. This makes everyone in the stands start to worry about Snivy, just as she is commanded by Ash to use {{m|Leaf Storm}}. However, Riolu dodges, but Snivy uses multiple {{m|Vine Whip}}s, causing Riolu more damage as well. After this, Riolu uses another Vacuum Wave, which hits Snivy. Cameron then commands Riolu to use yet another Vacuum Wave, as Ash commands Snivy to dodge with Vine Whip. After this, Snivy uses another Leaf Storm, which lands and causes Riolu a lot of damage.
As Riolu is beginning to look weak, Cameron continues to encourage it to get up, and it eventually does. This makes it start to [[Evolution|evolve]], and everyone watches in awe. When the evolution finishes, Riolu becomes {{p|Lucario}}, and Ash and Snivy both look intimidated now that they are up against a much more formidable opponent. This is where the episode ends.

==Major events==
==Major events==
