DP038: Difference between revisions

52 bytes added ,  20 February 2023
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Brock feeds Happiny a spoonful of baby food. Suddenly, she starts to cry. Brock thinks it's because she wants a stone to hold. Nurse Joy explains that Happiny love carrying [[Oval Stone|round white stones]] in their pouches because they want to imitate Chansey and {{p|Blissey}}. Brock says he'll go out and find her a stone, then picks her up and hands her to Nurse Joy. As he's about to leave, Happiny begins screaming. Dawn says Happiny doesn't want Brock to leave. Ash says they'll find some rocks.
Brock feeds Happiny a spoonful of baby food. Suddenly, she starts to cry. Brock thinks it's because she wants a stone to hold. Nurse Joy explains that Happiny love carrying [[Oval Stone|round white stones]] in their pouches because they want to imitate Chansey and {{p|Blissey}}. Brock says he'll go out and find her a stone, then picks her up and hands her to Nurse Joy. As he's about to leave, Happiny begins screaming. Dawn says Happiny doesn't want Brock to leave. Ash says they'll find some rocks.

Outside, Ash and Dawn roll a cart filled with white rocks up to Brock and Happiny. Happiny is surprised at all the rocks. Brock looks at a few of them and finds a good enough stone. He takes out a rock polisher and begins to shape the stone so it will look like an Egg. He says that it has to be small, smooth and light enough to fit in Happiny's pouch comfortably. As he works on the stone, Happiny toddles around and plays with Pikachu. Brock is finished working on the stone. He holds it out to Happiny, to which she jumps in delight. Suddenly, a mechanical arm reaches out and grabs her. The culprits are Team Rocket, as usual. Meowth holds the scared and crying Happiny up. Jessie ensures Happiny's going to be raised into a good nurse. Joy thinks it's a great idea, but James says that they're going to establish a Pokémon Center to steal everyone's Pokémon and sell them. Ash tells Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}}, but Jessie sends out her {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}} to use {{m|Poison Sting}} so they can get away. Happiny, who is sitting in a cage, doesn't look very pleased. Team Rocket notices everyone running after the balloon. James manages to lose them by using {{TP|James|Cacnea}}'s {{m|Sandstorm}}. Happiny is crying, and Jessie tries to cheer her up. She tosses Happiny up too high and she grabs the balloon. Wobbuffet tries to pull her down, and Jessie tries pulling Wobbuffet down, but Happiny is too strong. They end up ripping the balloon, and it falls to the ground.
Outside, Ash and Dawn roll a cart filled with white rocks up to Brock and Happiny. Happiny is surprised at all the rocks. Brock looks at a few of them and finds a good enough stone. He takes out a rock polisher and begins to shape the stone so it will look like an Egg. He says that it has to be small, smooth and light enough to fit in Happiny's pouch comfortably. As he works on the stone, Happiny toddles around and plays with Pikachu. Brock is finished working on the stone. He holds it out to Happiny, to which she jumps in delight. Suddenly, a mechanical arm reaches out and grabs her. The culprits are Team Rocket, as usual. Meowth holds the scared and crying Happiny up. Jessie ensures Happiny's going to be raised into a good nurse. Joy thinks it's a great idea, but James says that they're going to establish a Pokémon Center to steal everyone's Pokémon and sell them. Nurse Joy understands and rejects the idea now. the Ash tells Pikachu to use {{m|Thunderbolt}}, but Jessie sends out her {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}} to use {{m|Poison Sting}} so they can get away. Happiny, who is sitting in a cage, doesn't look very pleased. Team Rocket notices everyone running after the balloon. James manages to lose them by using {{TP|James|Cacnea}}'s {{m|Sandstorm}}. Happiny is crying, and Jessie tries to cheer her up. She tosses Happiny up too high and she grabs the balloon. Wobbuffet tries to pull her down, and Jessie tries pulling Wobbuffet down, but Happiny is too strong. They end up ripping the balloon, and it falls to the ground.

Back with Ash and friends, the sandstorm has not cleared. Ash sends out his {{AP|Staravia}} and tells him to use {{m|Whirlwind}} to blow the sandstorm away. He then tells him to go look for Team Rocket. Out of nowhere, Joy begins to whine again, saying this is all her fault and how she's so useless. A {{p|Weedle}} and {{p|Starly}} stumble from behind a bush and fall over, hurt from the Sandstorm attack earlier. Brock tells Joy the forest Pokémon need her help too. She comes to her senses and regains more confidence.
Back with Ash and friends, the sandstorm has not cleared. Ash sends out his {{AP|Staravia}} and tells him to use {{m|Whirlwind}} to blow the sandstorm away. He then tells him to go look for Team Rocket. Out of nowhere, Joy begins to whine again, saying this is all her fault and how she's so useless. A {{p|Weedle}} and {{p|Starly}} stumble from behind a bush and fall over, hurt from the Sandstorm attack earlier. Brock tells Joy the forest Pokémon need her help too. She comes to her senses and regains more confidence.
