DP124: Difference between revisions

75 bytes removed ,  29 October 2011
Undo revision 1540282 by Satoshi101 (talk)
(Undo revision 1540287 by Satoshi101 (talk) Nope. It's Dawn's. PS, the link got messed up.)
(Undo revision 1540282 by Satoshi101 (talk))
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Later Dawn sits anxiously outside the Pokémon Center's treatment room. Sadly she got knocked out of the tournament by O but the important matter at hand is that Ambipom got hospitalized from the intense match. Dawn sits outside the operating room listening to the TV, as it is announced that O and Shiftry beat Theodore and his Gliscor and won their second consecutive title. A melody plays as the treatment sign dims, and [[Nurse Joy]] exits with {{TP|Nurse Joy|Chansey}}. Nurse Joy informs Dawn that Ambipom was exhausted, and that she has no real injuries reassuring Dawn there is nothing to worry about. Ambipom happily steps out of the room to great Dawn, who immediately apologizes for placing so much responsibility on her while she did nothing. O walks into the room, calling out to Dawn and getting her attention. He tells her that he witnessed remarkable skill in his match with her and Ambipom and offers to train what could be one of the most powerful Pokémon Ping Pong players yet. Mistaken he means her, she tells him that she appreciates his offer but her focus is Pokémon Contests. O apologizes for the misunderstanding, and clarifies that its Ambipom he would like to train which surprises Dawn. O tells Ambipom that he is impressed with her abilities and, while making swing motions, tells her he wants to take her to the top of the Pokémon Ping Pong world. Ambipom jumps around swinging her tails in joy, as O tells Dawn he hopes she thinks about his offer. O leaves, and Dawn is left with a very tough decision.
Later Dawn sits anxiously outside the Pokémon Center's treatment room. Sadly she got knocked out of the tournament by O but the important matter at hand is that Ambipom got hospitalized from the intense match. Dawn sits outside the operating room listening to the TV, as it is announced that O and Shiftry beat Theodore and his Gliscor and won their second consecutive title. A melody plays as the treatment sign dims, and [[Nurse Joy]] exits with {{TP|Nurse Joy|Chansey}}. Nurse Joy informs Dawn that Ambipom was exhausted, and that she has no real injuries reassuring Dawn there is nothing to worry about. Ambipom happily steps out of the room to great Dawn, who immediately apologizes for placing so much responsibility on her while she did nothing. O walks into the room, calling out to Dawn and getting her attention. He tells her that he witnessed remarkable skill in his match with her and Ambipom and offers to train what could be one of the most powerful Pokémon Ping Pong players yet. Mistaken he means her, she tells him that she appreciates his offer but her focus is Pokémon Contests. O apologizes for the misunderstanding, and clarifies that its Ambipom he would like to train which surprises Dawn. O tells Ambipom that he is impressed with her abilities and, while making swing motions, tells her he wants to take her to the top of the Pokémon Ping Pong world. Ambipom jumps around swinging her tails in joy, as O tells Dawn he hopes she thinks about his offer. O leaves, and Dawn is left with a very tough decision.

Later that night Dawn bursts into Ash and Brock's bedroom in panic. Ash asks her what is the matter, and she tells them that she can't find Ambipom. They rush outside to begin searching, when a peculiar sound coming from behind the Center catches their attention. They investigate to find Ambipom playing with a ping pong ball against the wall. Relieved Dawn watches and speaks about how much fun Ambipom is having. Brock comments on never seeing Ambipom so inspired, and Ash adds on that Ambipom is clearly addicted to Pokémon Ping Pong. Dawn confesses that she is still unsure of what to do, and tells the others about O's offer. Since Ambipom is also Ash's, Dawn asks Ash what he would do...
Later that night Dawn bursts into Ash and Brock's bedroom in panic. Ash asks her what is the matter, and she tells them that she can't find Ambipom. They rush outside to begin searching, when a peculiar sound coming from behind the Center catches their attention. They investigate to find Ambipom playing with a ping pong ball against the wall. Relieved Dawn watches and speaks about how much fun Ambipom is having. Brock comments on never seeing Ambipom so inspired, and Ash adds on that Ambipom is clearly addicted to Pokémon Ping Pong. Dawn confesses that she is still unsure of what to do, and tells the others about O's offer. Dawn asks Ash what he would do...

We are then reminded of how Ash first met his Aipom when she stole his hat and how initially she was very mischievous and was always seeking attention from him. However after Ash captured Aipom and she followed him to [[Sinnoh]] the two developed a close bond and, after being traded to Dawn and evolving into Ambipom, eventually became a contest champion...  
We are then reminded of how Ash first met his Aipom when she stole his hat and how initially she was very mischievous and was always seeking attention from him. However after Ash captured Aipom and she followed him to [[Sinnoh]] the two developed a close bond and, after being traded to Dawn and evolving into Ambipom, eventually became a contest champion...  
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Ash, having faced a similar choice more than once, tells Dawn that in the end it's what Ambipom wants to do that's important, and Brock tells her that there is a choice the trainer has to make too between what a Pokémon wants, and what is best for them and that is part of a trainers responsibility. She thanks Brock, and knows what she has to do.
Ash, having faced a similar choice more than once, tells Dawn that in the end it's what Ambipom wants to do that's important, and Brock tells her that there is a choice the trainer has to make too between what a Pokémon wants, and what is best for them and that is part of a trainers responsibility. She thanks Brock, and knows what she has to do.

The next morning O prepares to leave and initially assumes that Dawn has turned down his offer until she approaches him. She tells him that she thought a lot about what he asked her, and she has decided the best thing to do is to let Ambipom decide what she wants to do. Dawn looks at Ambipom and asks her what she wants to do, continue in Contests with Dawn or take up Pokémon Ping Pong full time, or do battles with Ash. She then holds out Ambipom's [[Poké Ball]] in a [[Ball Capsule]] and a ping pong ball in either hand asking her to choose. Ambipom grabs the ping pong ball, which makes Dawn a little sad. However, Ambipom then grabs the Poké Ball, and then Dawn's hat and finally Ash's and begins juggling them joyfully. Ash and Dawn ask Ambipom if she has figured out what she's going to do, and she put their hats back in place, examining the ping pong ball and her Poké Ball. Ambipom has a tough time deciding as she loves Contests, Ping Pong, and battles equally, but with Dawn's support she hands her back the Poké Ball. Knowing it wants to play Pokémon Ping Pong, Dawn and Ash ask O to take good care of Ambipom. O promises and Ambipom joins O at his side. Pikachu and Piplup wish their friend goodbye, and Ambipom gives them a thumbs up with its tail. O tells Dawn and Ash that his Pokémon Ping Pong training center is located in [[Vermilion City]] in [[Kanto]], meaning they can visit anytime much to everyone's joy. Dawn tells Ambipom to stay well and get strong, and Ash wishes his Pokémon good luck. Ambipom grabs her trainers hands fondly and bids them goodbye.
The next morning O prepares to leave and initially assumes that Dawn has turned down his offer until she approaches him. She tells him that she thought a lot about what he asked her, and she has decided the best thing to do is to let Ambipom decide what she wants to do. Dawn looks at Ambipom and asks her what she wants to do, continue in Contests with Dawn or take up Pokémon Ping Pong full time. She then holds out Ambipom's [[Poké Ball]] in a [[Ball Capsule]] and a ping pong ball in either hand asking her to choose. Ambipom grabs the ping pong ball, which makes Dawn a little sad. However, Ambipom then grabs the Poké Ball, and then Dawn's hat and finally Ash's and begins juggling them joyfully. Ash and Dawn ask Ambipom if she has figured out what she's going to do, and she put their hats back in place, examining the ping pong ball and her Poké Ball. Ambipom has a tough time deciding as she loves Contests and Ping Pong equally, but with Dawn's support she hands her back the Poké Ball. Knowing it wants to play Pokémon Ping Pong, Dawn asks O to take good care of Ambipom. O promises and Ambipom joins O at his side. Pikachu and Piplup wish their friend goodbye, and Ambipom gives them a thumbs up with its tail. O tells Dawn that his Pokémon Ping Pong training center is located in [[Vermilion City]] in [[Kanto]], meaning they can visit anytime much to everyone's joy. Dawn tells Ambipom to stay well and get strong, and Ash wishes his Pokémon good luck and Ambipom grabs her trainers hands fondly and bids them goodbye.

Soon, O and Ambipom are leaving. Ash, Dawn and the others wave Ambipom goodbye and she waves back as she leaves for her new future as a Pokémon Ping Pong Champion.
Soon, O and Ambipom are leaving. Ash, Dawn and the others wave Ambipom goodbye and she waves back as she leaves for her new future as a Pokémon Ping Pong Champion.
