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== Quotes ==
First meeting
* ''"Huh? What's wrong? What are you all in a fuss for?"''
* ''"Whoa! What did I do to you?! Ow, sorry!"''
* ''"I'm Nuzleaf! It's all right now, so just calm down."''
* ''"Whoa! What in the world?! Eek! I'm scared!"''
After clearing Lush Forest
* ''"Ah, consarn it all! Don't go lookin' at me with them baby-doll eyes! Why, them Beheeyem might come along an' attack again at any moment. I can't hardly leave no child all alone here in such conditions, no sir."''
* ''"I calculate I'm plumb outta options. You could come to my place..."''
* ''"Yeah? I reckon we might oughta get movin'!"''
* ''"You see that there lake? That there little village on the shore is where I live... Serene Village."''
At the summit of Revelation Mountain
* ''"Muwuhahahaha! I reckon the time has come! I finally done broke the barrier! The barrier over the spring!"''
* ''"Now we can become... invincible!"''
* ''"You done good, Krookodile! I reckon you've earned your reward!"''
* ''"It was me. I'm the one that turned all them Pokémon to stone."''
* ''"(player). I reckon I feel bad about trickin' you this whole time."''
* ''"All of this... started when you lost your memory."''
* ''"I reckon them Beheeyem did their part by now."''
* ''"On the other hand, if we just get us some of this water right here... we can be invincible!"''
At the Prehistoric Ruins
* ''"I sure never did believe that you two would figure a way outta being turned to stone..."''
* ''"I don't know how you wrangled it... But I think I'll just send y'all back to the Voidlands... right now!"''
* ''"You wanna know why? You serious, kid? You mean you ain't heard it from that Beheeyem right there beside you?"''
* ''"Oh, so you haven't heard it all? I just went and figured you'd know the whole sorry tale by now..."''
* ''"Oh, so that's it, huh? Didn't want to admit to what you'd done? Sure enough... No one in his right mind would. Heh heh heh..."''
* "Then you just let me do the talkin'."
* ''"The only reason (player) here ain't had no memory all this time... is because that Beheeyem right there went and erased it all."''
* ''"(player)... You still know who you were when you first came along to this here world."''
* ''"Before you lost your memories, you even tried battling me and my pals here."''
* ''"While we were all fighting, though... you got hit with a dose of ol' Beheeyem's psychic power... and plumb forgot who you were."''
* ''"And so that's when we hatched our little plan. That's when we decided to trick (player)."''
* ''"It was all to get our hands on that Luminous Water, of course. No one but a human could break the barrier on that spring... That's the way them ancient Pokémon had set it up to be."''
* ''"And (player) here... Well, (player) here was summoned by the spirit of an ancient Pokémon... and was brought right through the bounds of time and space."''
* ''"All in an effort to save this world."''
* ''"It was all planned by them ancient Pokémon that had seen what the future held."''
* ''"But we managed to find out that there would be a human brought to this here world."''
* ''"And a human could help Pokémon turned to stone return to normal with Luminous Water."''
* ''"That'd be a real problem for us, if that started happenin'."''
* ''"So we decided to strike first, before any pesky human could break that barrier..."''
* ''"And we headed out with a plan to put (player) there to an end."''
* ''"You remember the spot? There by the waterfall? Never wondered why you were there?"''
* ''"That's where we fought you. And during that battle..."''
* ''"(player), you lost all your memories thanks to a real fine psychic hit."''
* ''"Soon as I heard that from the Beheeyem here... I knew just what to do. The plan just popped into my head."''
* ''"Sure, the Luminous Water was a real pain..."''
* ''"But if we could absorb its power, we could get even stronger than ever!"''
* ''"All I had to do was guarantee that the barrier would be broken while I was there."''
* ''"And that's why I needed (player), not as an enemy... but as an ally."''
* ''"And that's why I started that fool's masquerade."''
* ''"First I had them Beheeyem attack you... so that (player) would fear 'em as enemies."''
* ''"Then all I had to do was appear on the scene."''
* ''"And while we ran from them villains together..."''
* ''"(player) naturally came to trust me."''
* ''"Then all I had to do was get (player) to come back to Serene Village with me."''
* ''"Everything went swimmingly."''
* ''"Sure, I didn't succeed in getting y'all up Revelation Mountain on my first try. But..."''
* ''"But in the end, I got (player) there to break the barrier on the spring, all right!"''
* ''"I was able to dry up all the Luminous Water and take its power for my own."''
* ''"Yeah, and I sure do thank you for your help with that, fools."''
* ''"But I'm afraid you've done all you can for me, and now you ain't nothin' but loose ends."''
* ''"Especially (player) there. You were brought here to save this world, after all. So you're about the biggest problem there could be to have still runnin' around."''
* ''"Might be this room looks like any regular old room to y'all. But that's where you'd be wrong."''
* ''"Any Pokémon that get turned to stone right here in this special room... get dropped straight down into the deepest pit at the bottom of the Voidlands."''
* ''"You know what I'm talking about, at least, don't you, Beheeyem? You well know how frightening that place is."''
* ''"Once you're down there in the pits of the Voidlands... you ain't never comin' back up. Not even you, (player).''
* ''"Finally get it, don't you? Why I tricked y'all into coming here."''
* ''"Your friends? Mwahaha. Well, ain't that precious."''
* ''"Who do you think it was what helped us get y'all down here and trapped you?"''
* ''"Who do y'all think was the mastermind behind all our plans?"''
* ''"Looks like you're in luck. Cause here comes one of your "friends" right now.''
* ''"Espurr here's been helpin' us all keep in touch ever since then, you see."''
* ''"While pretendin' to be helpin' Ampharos and them with the same, naturally."''
* ''"Thanks to that, we know every move those fools make. It's given us a real upper hand in this fight."''
* ''"Hey, you... You traitor."''
* ''"If you wanna come back over to our side right about now... I'll let your little slip here pass."''
* ''"How 'bout it? You think you could take on (player) and the other runt?"''
* ''"Heh heh heh! Would you look at that. There's your friendship for ya."''
* ''"The friends you thought you could trust. And even the ones you're none too sure about."''
* ''"They're all the same in the end."''
* ''"Havin' faith in someone else might rightly give you the courage to keep on fightin'."''
* ''"But how about now, when you ain't got nobody left to believe in?"''
* ''"There ain't nothin' left for you in this world."''
* ''"So you be good little pawns... and let me turn y'all back into stone!"''
* ''"Wh-who in the world-?!"''
In the Tree of Life
* ''"Y-you... runts..."''
* ''"Ungh!"''
* ''"Um... Now, y'all..."''
* ''"I reckon I've been unfair to the two of you all this time..."''
* ''"Lyin' to you and even lookin' down on you, if I'm to be perfectly honest..."''
* ''"I did all that... I did all that, and still... Still y'all!"''
While fighting Dark Matter
* ''"I sure am sorry, (player)! And apologies to you, too, (partner)!''
* ''"I hope this'll make up for some of my wrongs!"''
* ''"I know y'all ain't likely to forgive me for what I done to you in the past, but still..."''
* ''"(player)! (partner)! I... I just want y'all to know that I..."''
* ''"Don't y'all give up."''
In Purifying Cave
* ''"I'm mighty sorry, (player)!"''
* ''"I know I've caused you no end of trouble, child..."''
* ''"Truth is I didn't want to have to do this... But..."''
* ''"But we've gotta wipe out that Dark Matter once and for all!"''
* ''"We can't go through that kinda thing again!"''
* ''"I'm sorry, (player!) But it's gotta end! You've just gotta accept this!"''
* ''"Th-that's-"''
* ''"Wh-what in the world?!"''
* ''"Yeah... That was a situation, indeed. You whupped us good, kid."''
* ''"But that don't matter."''
* ''"Xatu! It really did work, right?"''
* ''"Y-yeah?"''
* ''"Well, ain't that somethin' y'all?! We finally... went and did what's right..."''
* ''"I'm feelin' fine as cream gravy!"''
In Serene Village after completing Purifying Cave
* ''"(player)... Well... I reckon... these here villagers have accepted them Beheeyem and me... even after all we done to 'em."''
* ''"They still went on and forgave us. I reckon I can't ever thank 'em enough."''
* ''"I do believe I will do whatever I can for this here village from now on."''
* ''"If you should need me... I'll go on adventures with you."''
* ''"So... Well..."''
* ''"Uhh... Welcome home, I reckon."''

== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==
{{Incomplete|needs=All the character expression portraits for Nuzleaf}}<gallery>
File:MDP 3DS 274.png|Nuzleaf's portrait
File:MDP 3DS 274.png|Nuzleaf's portrait
File:Evil Nuzleaf SMD.png|Evil Nuzleaf
File:Evil Nuzleaf SMD.png|Evil Nuzleaf
File:Evil Surprised Nuzleaf SMD.png|Evil Surprised Nuzleaf
File:Evil Surprised Nuzleaf SMD.png|Evil Surprised Nuzleaf
File:Sad Nuzleaf SMD.png|Sad Nuzleaf
File:Sad Nuzleaf SMD.png|Sad Nuzleaf
File:Crying Nuzleaf SMD.png|Crying Nuzleaf
File:Surprised Nuzleaf SMD.png|Surprised Nuzleaf
File:Surprised Nuzleaf SMD.png|Surprised Nuzleaf
File:Angry Nuzleaf SMD.png|Angry Nuzleaf
File:Angry Nuzleaf SMD.png|Angry Nuzleaf
File:Happy Nuzleaf SMD.png|Happy Nuzleaf
File:Overjoyed Nuzleaf SMD.png|Overjoyed Nuzleaf

