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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  ιɴsσмиιαc 08:42, 1 April 2010 (UTC)  

Regarding your edit to Ho-Oh

Do you have any hard evidence on this trivia? If not, that's the reason. Next time, ask on her talk page, thanks. It's best not to get into revert wars. ht14 03:09, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Re 5 month old comment on Unreleased Pokemon page

I happen to have the full artwork of the turtle and can say that it has very little resemblance to Purutoga.

Do you still have the artwork? If so, could you upload it to the Archives? If it is already uploaded, could you give me a link to it (It's a pain trying to search for things on there), or replace the current picture of the Turtle on the Unreleased Pokémon and characters page. I would have asked back then if I had noticed the comment, lol. Thanks in advance! XVuvuzela2010X 00:06, 16 February 2011 (UTC)