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:''"Those with the strongest convictions will win!"''
:''"Those with the strongest convictions will win!"''
;Sync Pair Story - A Day with Alder
:''"If it isn't <player>! What a coincidence to see you here!"''
:''"Hahaha! I see you're struck by my Volcarona's beauty, eh?"''
::'''He's so bright!''': ''"Yes! Volcarona looks happy to see you!"''
::'''He's so hot!''': ''"Looks like he's doing especially well today! He's really raising the temperature here!"''
:''"Actually, I found you at just the right time!"''
:''"There's something I've been wanting to teach you, and now's the perfect opportunity to do just that!"''
:''"It's been a long time since I set off on my journey as a Pokémon Trainer."''
:''"And on that journey, I learned the importance of being able to travel with my Pokémon."''
:''"I want to make sure our team and everyone here on Pasio understands how important that is, too!"''
::'''Even me?''': ''"Yes! I'm sure you'll have no trouble understanding what I have to say!"''
::'''Why do you need to do that?''': ''"As a former Champion, I'm supposed to foster healthy relationships between people and Pokémon."''
:''"Both of my Volcarona taught me that important lesson."''
:''"Haha, you look a little confused."''
:''"I guess I should explain what happened before I formed a sync pair with this guy."''
:''"The first Pokémon that I truly bonded with when I became a Trainer was also a Volcarona."''
:''"But that Volcarona...has been laid to rest at the Celestial Tower in Unova."''
:''"We fought together, laughed together, shared our joy together... I thought it would last forever."''
:''"But all good things must come to an end... Sometimes unexpectedly so."''
:''"Thanks to my first partner Pokémon, I learned that people and Pokémon can't stick around forever."''
:''"Because our time here is limited, we should treasure the moments we have now."''
:''"My current partner here understands that, too."''
:''"I learn so much from watching how hard he works."''
:''"That's what I meant by “both of my Volcarona.”"''
:''"I've already relinquished my title as Champion."''
:''"Nothing lasts forever—not our strength and not the lives of our Pokémon."''
:''"Even so, remembering the times you spent together and the memories you shared will always bring you joy."''
:''"You and your partner Pokémon have a special bond that allows you to share important things with each other!"''
:''"The spark in your eyes as a sync pair is a wonderful sight indeed!"''
:''"Be strong so they don't lose that spark!"''
::'''I'll treasure my partner!''': ''"Great answer! I hope you can find happiness together!"''
::'''We'll be friends forever!''': ''"I'm glad to hear that! I see you understand what I'm saying!"''
:''"Volcarona is known as the embodiment of the sun."''
:''"Together with Volcarona, I'll shine light on the future, where people and Pokémon can live together in harmony!"''
:''"Whoa! Volcarona is burning with motivation!"''

;Pokémon Center
;Pokémon Center
