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The partner is a main character in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] series. They are always with the {{player}} except for in Companion Mode in [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity]].
#REDIRECT [[Partner Pokémon]]
===Gates to Infinity===
* At the start of the game:
:"''H-hey! Are you OK?! Come on, wake up... Come on!''"
:"''Hey! You're awake! You OK?!''"
:"''You sure you aren't hurt or anything?''"
:"''Does it hurt anywhere? Can you hear me? ...Really? ... Whew, that's a relief! You know you fell straight out of the sky, right?''"
:"''Boy, are you lucky or what! You haven't got a single scratch after falling all that way? That's fantastic! I'm <partner's species>, by the way. What about you? What's your name?''"
:"''<player's name>? Your name's <player's name>, huh? Well, nice to meet you! But...where'd you come from, <player's name>? Well, I mean, I know you came from the sky just now... But I haven't seen youo around here before. So I was asking where you're originally from--where your home is! Of course it's pretty mysterious how you fell out of the sky like that... But you can't tell me you actually live up there, right?''"
:"''WHAAAT?! Y-you're actually a human?! And you got turned into a Pokémon because some voice was crying for help? So you fell straight outta the human world and into this one?''"
:"''... ... ...''"
:"''All right. Got it. I believe you! I believe your story, <player's name>!''"
:"''Sure, I know it's a pretty fantastic story to believe... Humans don't exist anywhere except in fairy tales, or that's what I always thought. And it seems totally impossible that a human could just turn into a Pokémon... ...and fall outta the sky one day. know what I think? There are lots of mysteries in the world. But the truth is that maybe...those things aren't really all that mysterious at all... Maybe they're just things I don't know about yet. And that's why they seem mysterious.''"
:"''That's why I want to learn about all kinds of things and see all kinds of things! I want to meet [[Legendary Pokémon|mythical Pokémon]] that no one else has ever seen! I want to explore ancient ruins and deep caves! And more than anything, I want to have an adventure! That's right! I want to be an adventurer! And that's exactly why I traveled all the way here to-- Aughhh!!! Argh! I forgot! The most important meeting of my life! Augh! I've got to get there {{tt|ASAP|as soon as possible}}, but... The path ahead looks really tough. It'll be hard to make it through alone... Arghhh... What should I do... That's it! <player's name>! Please! Will you come with me on the path ahead? My journey is so close to being over, and everything I want is so near... But if I don't hurry, I might not make it in time!  I'm really not sure if I'll be able to make it through on my own. Gahhh! There's no more time to explain! Just come with me, OK?!''"
* [[Ragged Mountain]]:
** Western Entrance:
::"''This way, <player's name>! Come on! Hurry!''"
::"''Huh?! The bridge has collapsed! What am I gonna do? How am I supposed to get there now? Ah! Looks like there's no choice but to try going through there. Let's go, <player's name>!''"
** Eastern Entrance:
::"''All right! We finally made it to the other side! We're almost there now! Let's give it our all!''"
* Crossroads:
:"''Ha... We did it! I'm finally here! I've finally made it! I couldn't have done it without you, <player's name>! I really owe you one! Now I've gotta hurry! I'm pretty sure the letter said it was  this way...''"
* In the [[Pokémon Paradise]]-to-be:
:"''Th-thank goodness... You're still here... Phew...''"
:"''Yup. That's me.''"
:"''I know! That's exactly what I'm hoping for, in fact. I brought the [[File:Poké currency.png]] with me.''"
:"''Yeah! All riiiiiight!!! From this day forth...this is gonna be my Paradiiiiiise!!! Ah... S-sorry for getting all worked up by myself... You remember how I said I wanna learn all kinds of things and see all kinds of things? To be an adventurer, right? This right here is the starting point for making all that come true! My to make a paradise for us all. A Pokémon Paradise.''"
:"''Yeah. I'm gonna make this the kind of paradise you could only dream about! The [[Mystery Dungeon]]s are spreading around here... You never know what might happen on land like this. There are  a lot of Pokémon who hate that kind of uncertainty... ...but to me it just means an exciting adventure could sprout up at any time! I'm going to have all kinds of adventures and find lots of other Pokémon like me... And then when we work hard together... ...we'll be able to live the kind of life that'll really make you feel alive! A real paradise! That's my dream! I've been saving up all my [[File:Poké currency.png]] just for that. And now I've found the perfect land! Well, really it's more like everywhere else was just too expensive... So I didn't really have much of a choice... But...this is going to be the start of all my dreams!''"
:"''So, <player's name>... What are you going to do now? Do you have somewhere to go?''"
:"''Listen, if you don't have anywhere to go... Why not consider helping me out? How about you help me make my Paradise, <player's name>?''"
:"''There's no way I can do it all by myself... So I've been planning to get more Pokémon to join me over time anyway. What do you think, <player's name>? Will you help me out?''"
:"''Really? You're really gonna help me out?! YES! Thanks, <player's name>! We're gonna be great friends! We'll be a great team! So, <player's name>, now that we're officially friends and all... If you want to give me a nickname, Well, that would be OK! What do you think? You got something?''"
:"''<partner's nickname>? All right then, <partner's nickname> it is! Call me <partner's nickname>  from now on! That's it! I'm gonna have everyone else call me that from now on, too! I'm definitely gonna make my dreams come true! Just you watch!!!''"
:"''<player's name>! Let's do our best together! I know there's nothing here now...but... This is it! This is the place! This is going to be our...  {{tt|Paradiiiiiise!!!|Said with the player}}''"
