Metang (Duel 360)

メタング Metang
Evolution stage 2
Figure name Metang
Move Points 2
Steel Psychic
Rarity Rare
Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
Version 5.0.3
ID 360
Time Booster League Beginner
Special Time Boosters None
Locked Booster Yes
Material Exchange
and Gem Exchange
1800 Material
100 Gems
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Metang.

Metang (Japanese: メタング Metang) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 5.0.3.


Magnetic Body じりょくボディ
At the start of your turn, if any of your other Metang or Metagross are within 2 steps, you may move this Pokémon to a point 2 steps away instead of an MP move. If you do, your turn ends.

Data Disk

Version 7.0.0

  Shattered Psyche マキシマムサイブレイカー 96 pt.
If this Pokémon is on the field, this Pokémon moves to a point 3 steps away after battle.
  Corkscrew Crash ちょうぜつらせんれんげき 96 pt.
If the battle opponent is knocked out, then after the battle, this Pokémon moves to a point 2 steps away.
Miss ミス 4 pt.
Bullet Punch バレットパンチ 28 pt.
Tractor Beam トラクタービーム 16 pt.
Move one other Steel-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon to a point not more than 1 or 2 steps away from this Pokémon.
Metal Claw メタルクロー 32 pt.
Tractor Beam トラクタービーム 16 pt.
Move one other Steel-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon to a point not more than 1 or 2 steps away from this Pokémon.

Version 5.0.3-6.2.11

Miss ミス 4 pt.
Bullet Punch バレットパンチ 28 pt.
Tractor Beam トラクタービーム 16 pt.
Move one other Steel-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon to a point not more than 1 or 2 steps away from this Pokémon.
Metal Claw メタルクロー 32 pt.
Tractor Beam トラクタービーム 16 pt.
Move one other Steel-type Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon to a point not more than 1 or 2 steps away from this Pokémon.

Release information

This figure was available as a Monthly Points Reward from April 10 to May 13, 2019 and from May 13 to June 12, 2019.


Unreleased Shiny Metang



Bullet Punch and Metal Claw are moves in the Pokémon games that Metang can learn. Shattered Psyche and Corkscrew Crash are Z-Moves in the games that Metang can use by equipping Psychium Z and Steelium Z, respectively.

  This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.