Helena (Masters)/Quotes

These are Helena's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Helena (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm a hex maniac... And I've known the two of us would meet since my previous life..."
  • Sync pair viewer
"Is your love for Pokémon...supernatural?"
"Will you walk the path of darkness...and become a hex maniac?"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"I'll follow you anywhere."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you in the next life."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"A secret new power!"
  • Upon leveling up
"I feel...a strange and unknown power!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"We made it! At last!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Have I been sleeping on all this power?"
  • During conversation
"Aha, aha?"
"My, my."
"Good luck."
"Curse you!"
"I'm sorry..."
"Leave it to me."
"Not in this life."
"I'm blushing."
"Let the ritual begin."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Morning is a time of rebirth... Am I the same person today as I was yesterday?"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Midday is when the sun shines brightest... The sun and I are not the best of friends..."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Nighttime is when ghosts thrive... If you're frightened by them, you should think twice before going out... *giggle*"
  • During special gift conversation
"I offer this to you freely."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
  • VS screen
"Let's have a battle!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Come on!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do it!"
  • Using item
  • Using Trainer move
"It's time!"
  • Using sync move
"Do I fill you with terror?"
  • Unity move / Theme Skill
  • Switching in
"We're up!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Did you rewrite the laws of causality?"
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Careful now!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"You have friends?"
  • "Thanks" emote
  • Defeat
"Bad luck..."
  • Victory
"Ehehehe... Our victory was foretold."
Story Event - Otherworldly Encounter
  • The Supernatural World
  • As Hex Maniac
"And that's the story."
"Hmm... Kids these days are too pragmatic."
"I wish I could have fun like everyone else."
  • Star of the Night
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"I love it! It reeks of the supernatural!"
  • After appearing, as Hex Maniac
"I know everything about the strange, mysterious things that happen in this world!"
"I'll seek out and uncover what this monster truly is!"
  • Seeking Mysteries
"Perhaps someone's trying to find it and they're forcing these people to keep quiet so it can remain a secret..."
"There must be a secret organization behind this that's trying to cover up supernatural events!"
"Do you know anything about the mysterious monster people have been talking about around the city?"
"In the forest..."
"No time to lose! To the forest, everyone!"
  • Off-screen
"Watch out, Iris!"
  • On-screen
"They've got some nerve stealing MY ghost story!"
  • Mystery Monster Unmasked
"Maybe it's an alien."
  • Poipole's Chosen Path
"So, it was a Pokémon after all."
"I guess I've done my part... I should probably go home."
"I'm not sure... I don't really like it when things are too lively..."
"He's inviting us..."
"OK, we'll join you... Thank you, Allister."
"Join you indeed. I'll show you everything about the supernatural, Iris!"
"Although there was no unraveling the mysteries of the supernatural, I was able to witness such a heartwarming moment..."
"I'm glad I was brave enough to join you."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Helena
"Because Pasio is an artificial island that was built so recently, it doesn't have much history yet..."
"Due to the lack of haunted sites here, rumors involving the supernatural usually end up amounting to nothing."
"On this tour, we will be visiting the various sites that have spawned these false supernatural rumors. Welcome to the fake supernatural tour..."
That's a shame...: "I still have hope, though. If I continue to track down these rumors, eventually one will turn out to be true..."
I wish they were true.: "Hehehe... Looks like you've begun to appreciate the allure of the supernatural."
"Let's get started, shall we? Our first supernatural encounter is..."
  • Off-screen
"The sighting of a disembodied human soul!"
  • On-screen
"At least, that's what someone thought they saw. Turns out it was just a security guard's flashlight."
"The guard immediately spoke up, and that was the end of the rumor..."
"... ... ..."
"*sigh* It's useless. Perhaps there aren't any supernatural forces left in this world."
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"M-my apologies!"
  • After appearing, as Helena
"*pant pant* So sorry. I overslept on the day I was supposed to lead the tour..."
  • Off-screen
"What's wrong? Why are you staring over there?"
  • On-screen
"Huh? We were just speaking to each other?"
"That's not possible. I just got here..."
"... ... ..."
"No, really?"
"<player>, you're saying you were on a fake supernatural tour led by a fake version of me?"
"Th-that's amazing..."
"If real supernatural events are occurring around me, that means..."
"I must have a connection to the supernatural world!"
"Ehehehe... Perhaps Haunter is excited, too..."
"I hear that the city is becoming more developed—and that information can now be easily shared over social media."
"As clear and accurate information becomes more accessible, vague rumors about the supernatural are being taken less seriously."
"Looks like Haunter is upset about this, too..."
"But it seems Pasio may have some mysteries of its own after all..."
"Perhaps Haunter will feel more at home now."
"The supernatural is mysterious and scary. That's exactly why it piques my curiosity."
"People spread rumors, and ambiguous rumors become distorted as they spread."
"In the end, they remain in this world as tales of the supernatural!"
"And among those tales remain a handful of true encounters... Just like what we saw today."
"At least that's what I like to believe. Eeeheeheheee!"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"Because Pasio is an artificial island, it seems there haven't been any hauntings spotted here yet..."
"But did you know? Wherever people gather, rumors appear."
"*chuckle* I'm looking forward to what Pasio's future holds..."
  • Random conversation
"Do you believe in the supernatural, <player>?"
"It's OK if you don't...but it would make me so very happy if you were a true believer..."
"I just wanted to...share my interests with you. That's all."
  • Random conversation
"You give off the aura of a main character... If you were in a story, you'd be the protagonist."
"Usually, I don't get along well with bright and shiny personalities like yours. But you're different..."
  • If spoken to again
"I can see your aura... It's such a strong...gentle...beautiful color..."
"But for those who face you in battle, such an unlucky color."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"We were destined to meet here today, <player>..."
"The timing of our next meeting has been preordained as well... Eehehehee!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Morning is a time of rebirth... Am I the same person today as I was yesterday?"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Midday is when the sun shines brightest... The sun and I are not the best of friends..."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Nighttime is when ghosts thrive... If you're frightened by them, you should think twice before going out... *giggle*"
  • Special gift conversation
"Here, take this..."
  • After giving out item
"It was your destiny to accept my gift."