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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  Werdnae (talk) 03:15, 20 May 2010 (UTC)  

Floccesy ranch, where did you get the encounter rates from

I've just edited your appallingly wrong encounter rates for Floccesy Ranch, as after playing the game, me and one other person have expressed concerns about them on the talk page for the article. The reason for this was purely because your stated encounter rate for Mareep of 5% was horrifically wrong, after both of us who commented on the talk page encountered over 6 in a row, which is a long shot by the laws of statistics if your info was correct. I have since edited them to more believable values, and invite you to state your case as to where you pulled that info from on the talk page. Should you revert my edits, I will revert them back due to concerns begin raised as to the reliability of your info, unless you can prove the reliability of your sources

Aquatix (talk to me!) 00:04, 15 October 2012 (UTC)