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 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  ht14 22:34, 13 July 2010 (UTC)  

List of Pokémon by Isshu Pokédex number

Idex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#001 #0494 Tsutarja Tsutarja Grass
#002 #0495 ??? ??? Grass
#003 #0496 ??? ??? Grass
#003 #0496 Pokabu Pokabu Fire
#005 #0498 ??? ??? Fire
#006 #0499 ??? ??? Fire


#008 #0501 ??? ??? Water
#009 #0502 ??? ??? Water
#010 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#011 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#012 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#013 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#014 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#015 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#016 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#017 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#018 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#019 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#020 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#021 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#022 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#023 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#024 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#025 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#026 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#027 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#028 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#029 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#030 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#031 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#032 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#033 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#034 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#035 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#036 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#037 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#038 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#039 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#040 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#041 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#042 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#043 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#044 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#045 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#046 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#047 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#048 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#049 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#050 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#051 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#052 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#053 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#054 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#055 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#056 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#057 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#058 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#059 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#060 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#061 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#062 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#063 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#064 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#065 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#066 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#067 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#068 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#069 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#070 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#071 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#072 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#073 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#074 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#075 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#076 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#077 #0??? ??? ??? ???
#078 #0??? Chiramii Chiramii Normal
#??? #0??? Munna Munna Psychic
#??? #0??? Musharna Musharna Psychic
#??? #0??? Giaru Giaru Steel
#??? #0??? Mamepato Mamepato Normal Flying
#??? #0??? Hihidaruma Hihidaruma Fire
#??? #0??? Shimama Shimama Electric
#??? #0??? Meguroko Meguroko Ground Dark
#??? #0??? Desukaan Desukaan Ghost Rock
#??? #0??? Ononokusu Ononokusu Bug Dark
#??? #0??? Moguryuu Moguryuu Ground
#??? #0??? Doryuuzu Doryuuzu Ground Steel
#??? #0??? Denchura Denchura Bug Electric
#??? #0??? Koromori Koromori Psychic Flying
#??? #0??? Wooguru Wooguru Normal Flying
#??? #0??? Rankurusu Rankurusu Psychic
#??? #0??? Gochiruzeru Gochiruzeru Psychic
#??? #0??? Minezumi Minezumi Normal
#??? #0??? Kibago Kibago Dragon
#??? #0??? Zorua Zorua Dark
#??? #0??? Zoroark Zoroark Dark
#??? #0??? Reshiram Reshiram Dragon Fire
#??? #0??? Zekrom Zekrom Dragon Electric

Talk Page Comments

Removing talk page comments, including the initial welcome template, is prohibited per Bulbapedia's talk page policy. Please do not remove any comments in the future. If you wish to clean old comments away, you should archive your talk page instead. Thank you! --Turtwig's A-B-Cs (talk | contribs) 23:34, 13 July 2010 (UTC)