A little about me: I love pokémon and will probably keep playing it until I'm forty if they're still making new games. I like the manga much better than the show, and I really like how the manga explains some of the fine points of the pokémon universe. My favorite pokémon? Charizard! RAWR!


  • Pokémon in the animé say their names over and over. The games are cool 'cause they make animal noises like they should.
  • Orre from Pokémon Colluseum looks just like the Gunma providence. In XD They added a sea and now I have to start my hunt for it all over again. I know it's based on Arizona as far as climate goes, but Nintendo generally roughly matches up geographic and city locations of the games with real-life locations too. I'm convinced it's only based on Arizona as far as climate goes since they didn't match up Arizona's cities with Orre's. It's got to be a region in Japan.


  • I would love for Nintendo to completely flesh out Japan with pokémon regions and make a game that encompasses all of them, with all of the pokémon. Don't make us go to events!