Hey! My name is Andres, you can say me Andy. I don't have much to say... Well only that I'm a good trainer, a good friend and one thing I hate are enough managers who believe the gods here. I have bad experience from admi. Yep, that's right, this isn't my first Wiki. That's another story so don't ask. Well I hope have a good time here. See ya!

Personal Info

Important Data

  This user comes from Guatemala.
Yaiii! I love this template. That Swellow is my national bird, El Quetzal
  This user's birthday is July 28.
My favorite day XD. Why isn't an important day? How sad :( Well... what I can do
CST This user uses Central Standard Time, which is UTC-6.
CDT During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-5.
Well I don't know to much about this sooooo haha. Mmmm I have nothing more to say in this template, so let pass to the next (well, to be honestly, I'm writing lines to make space because this template is a little large. I think that's enough sooo let continue ;)
es Este usuario es hablante nativo de español.
The most complicated language of all. How lucky I'm for knowing it. Es más voy a hablar español ahora y no me van a entender muajajajaja >=D que bien se siente hablar su propia lengua, jaja. Well, back to English!
  This user identifies as male.
... What I can say here! jaja Well I'm male, happy? XD

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