
Revision as of 09:48, 25 October 2005 by Fabu-Vinny (talk | contribs) (image)
370Luvdisc.png This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

AdvanceShipping (Japanese: サトハル, SatoHaru) is the belief that Ash Ketchum and May are a couple. This ship is very popular, perhaps second only to PokéShipping.

Ash reassures May

This ship is not unlike ApprenticeShipping as Ash is seen by AdvanceShippers as the tutor to May.


Alternate names

AdvanceShipping has also been called AdvancedShipping, though this name is not as widely-used.

The four-letter abbreviation is actually six letters long: AAMayL, to distinguish it from AAML, or Ash and Misty Love.

The Japanese name is サトハル, or SatoHaru. Template:Shippingstub