Bulbapedia:Search plugin for Firefox

Revision as of 02:38, 17 March 2005 by Coppro (talk | contribs)

The Bulbapedia Search Bar Plugin is a plugin for Mozilla-based browsers which allows them to use the search bar to search Bulbapedia. The code was written entirely by coppro. This search plugin has been tested and is fully functional, including the little é character.

At the moment, the plugin is not available due to the wiki not supporting .src files. If a BMG admin could prepare a file on the server named "bulbapedia.src" with the following text, it would be greatly appreciated.

# Bulbapedia Search Toolbar V1.0
# by coppro
# created Mar 15, 2005
# for Mozilla Firefox users, and users of other Mozilla-based browsers.

	description="Bulbapedia - The first ever Pokemon wiki"

<input name="search" user>
<input name="go" value="Go">



Alternatley, the end user could save this text as a file of the same name in their browser's "searchplugins" folder and filling it with the above text.

To staff: the update and updateIcon values should be replaced with the address of the file and Bulbapedia's chosen image, respectively. The image should be a 16 by 16 gif or png image with the name "bulbapedia.gif" or "bulbapedia.png". I (coppro), will add the install script once the files are up.