Bulbapedia talk:Code of conduct

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Revision as of 17:16, 3 January 2009 by Evkl (talk | contribs) (Question to Trom)

Hey folks, now let's look at this and see what could be improved!

Anyone got any ideas whatsoever? And I'm not talking the stylistic improvements, I'm talking the specifics. Ought we address superspecific issues or no? TTEchidna 05:56, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Well I was gonna say "BULBASPACE IT NOW" but TTE got in the way.... I see nothing wrong. What do you mean "specifics"? — THE TROM — 06:00, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
Specific things of what not to do. TTEchidna 06:12, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
I don't think so. It does say it doesn't cover edit wars, but maybe it should? I know it says it isn't against the code of conduct, but technically it is because it's about ignoring what someone else is saying, and just following your own opinion. — THE TROM — 06:15, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
My take on edit wars is that it's how you behave during the edit war that matters, not whether or not it takes place. If people play nice we shouldn't have too many wars, but the actual editing-reverting-re-editing process, and the potential consequences, are already covered elsewhere. Thus, I felt no need to re-hash punishments for that, instead seeking to make that process more pleasant. evkl 06:20, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
Sure thing. What about using edit summaries to explain what and why changes are being made? This is not in the MoS either, and inclusion here could get rid of those annoyingly angry "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!1!eleven!!1" messages. — THE TROM — 08:45, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
Do you just mean enforcing the use of edit summary box? evkl 17:16, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

I like this very much, I do have a few suggestions of which i hope a few get put into practice Super-Max 14:36, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Banned Words

Im talking about this on the forum, what about a list of offensive words that arent constructive, and if you use one you get a 2 day block. Obviously all swear words should be banned, but im also talking about words like "idiot and douche".

As a community we need constructive critisim to improve not only the project but improve ourselves, and words like those offer nothing constructive just an insult. Super-Max 14:36, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

I agree, Seeing the word idiot to abuse someone just makes me feel like this is Bullypedia rather than Bulbapedia, users should pick up their act and use nicer words instead of BIG CAPS LOCKED ABUSEIVE RUDE WORDS. This is the internet, Be nice.
But yet again people say Crap or Damn which isn't really rude words, often used when someone is frustrated.--Force Fire talk 14:46, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
I mean, I don't think I need to make a specific list of banned words--the forum doesn't have such a list. I'm willing to leave it up to administrator discretion regarding the intent of the word and the consequences that come out from it. At the same time, anything George Carlin couldn't say on TV is probably not okay here...I don't think that's the domain of the code of conduct per se, though. evkl 15:39, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Friend lists and dislike lists

Saying you dislike someone isnt constructive earlier, things like these can lead to bullying and to users either feeling left out of being in someones friend list, or upset that people are openly voicing a dislike for them, it can really emotionally damage some people, and lets face it FRIEND LISTS SERVE LESS PURPOUS THAN ALREADY BANNED THINGS LIKE FANFICTION. So they should be removed to. Super-Max 14:36, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, But lets face it, people here are a bit kiddy but it just takes them time to grow up, I don't have a friends list myself but it could let some users be accepted in the community. What I don't like is users who abuse people for what they did in the past, and the main thing that was letting them abuse people was the whole friendly thing, So we should actually ban that, BUT, let users know that everyone is a friend to anyone anytime.--Force Fire talk 14:46, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
Those users have legitamate reasons. You cant assume everyone changed. Friends lists are stupid, so are degrading raps.DCM((曲奇饼妖怪Spy on My Edits)) 16:53, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Edits, 1/3/2009

I added a section on enforcement, and also made more explicit some inappropriate things on user pages. evkl 16:01, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

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