Pokémon controversy

Revision as of 21:10, 27 February 2005 by Arty2 (talk | contribs) (Swastika is not a luck symbol, it's a decorative pattern)
Pokémon, being the massive craze it is, has sparked much controversy from various groups of people.

This page lists the controversy surrounding Pokémon, it is not meant to offend anyone, it is here for information purposes only.

File:Swastika card.jpg
Card depicting a Swastika.

Swastika Image

Members of the Jewish community accused Nintendo of using an offensive image in a Japanese version of a trainer card (card pictured to the right).

While in the Western world the image of a Swastika brings thoughts of hatred due to the use of it by the Nazis in World War 2, the Swastika is actually an ancient symbol, often used in decorative patterns throughout the history (very commonly used in Ancient Greece). [1] It is also supposed to be a symbol of good luck but there's no strong historical proof about that. [2]

The usage of the symbol on this card was just that, and not meant to offend at all. Regardless, Wizards of the Coast removed the symbol from the English version of the card.


Some fundamentalist Christian groups have accused Pokémon of being linked to Satan and Satanism.

The following is a list of their reasoning for this accusation:

  • Pokémon are like daemons. They are captured and must be invoked to perform tasks.
  • Magical talismans (gym badges) are necessary to control many of them.
  • Magical stones are used to evolve certain Pokémon
  • Pokémon evolve. Evolution allegedly denies the most extreme and fundamentalist versions of creationism, therefore Pokémon denies some forms of Biblical interpretation.
  • Many Pokémon have paranormal or Psychic powers. These powers are not derived from God and therefore must stem from Satan.
  • Many Pokémon embody or practise Asian spiritual and mystical concepts. For example, some practise martial arts, which some Christian groups denounce as Pagan. The game world also incorporates Asian traditions about elemental forces.

Jewish Plot

Some outspoken members of the religion of Islam claim that Pokémon is actually some sort of Jewish conspiracy, as a method of brainwashing children to make them forgo their faith.

They also claim that the word "Pokeman" is a phrase which means "I am Jewish" in Japanese. This is false.