Talk:Braviary (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 18:24, 9 September 2010 by Ataro (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 1180580 by Pokemon26 (talk)1. forum talk 2. it's already confirmed that Isshu IS NY...I think)
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Legit Name confirms the pokemons name to be "Wooguru" not "Wargle" Monochras 15:10, 14 July 2010 (UTC) isn't official. It's different romanizations. Also, it's Pokémon, not pokemon. Turtwig's A-B-Cs (talk | contribs) 15:15, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Serebii uses straight-up Hepburn romanization for everything, just with doubled letters rather than macrons. Technically it'd be Wōguru for ウォーグル. We're going with Wargle because of its name origin, judging that the official romanization that will appear with time will be at the very least close to that. After all, check out... oh... Krabby. TTEchidna 03:48, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Name Origin

Fun factoid: students, alumni, and fans of Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama use the phrase "War Eagle" extensively, as a greeting and as a battle cry at sporting events. Seems to fit this Pokémon's name very well. xD--Phantomjunkie 07:02, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

There was an actual Native American Chief who was named War Eagle. Also, the name of the headdress Wargle's crest is based off of is the War Bonnet (which ironically, the best war bonnets are made of Eagle feathers) I believe this is a much better guess at the Origin of Wargle's name than the rather tenuous origin listed. Trainer-c 09:27, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
Psh, tenuous. This is Japan we're talking about. The country we forced into having essentially a baby military while we set up shop there after WWII with the excuse of preventing them from starting wars, and then proceeded ourselves to start wars literally everywhere else. Not to get political or anything, but LOOK AT IT. It's Stephen Colbert personified! TTEchidna 02:50, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Wargle does invoke images of Colbert, but then, I am reminded of Colbert whenever I see an eagle period. The fact that is the Valor Pokémon doesn't help matters either. I'm just not 100% sure that was Game Freak's intention, why give it Native American features. Oh well, it's still unclear at this point, maybe by the time the games release we will get some clues one way or another via its Pokédex entry, or something else along those lines. Trainer-c 14:29, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
"Not to get political or anything" -- Don't say things like that right after you've made broad sweeping political statements. Also: Wargle looks like a Native American-styled eagle. So frickin' what. I doubt Game Freak is trying to make any deep statement about the last 60-or-so years of geopolitical relations between the world powers. -- PuppetChaos 17:10, 19 July 2010 (UTC)


Should I make a Physiology paragraph for it, or should we wait until its hind body can be clearly discerned? Steph 00:25, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

(I was a little impatient--the picture of the body is up now. Before anyone else procures a paragraph...)
Wargle is an eagle-like Pokemon, sporting red, navy, yellow and blue coloration. Wargle's face is blue, its beak yellow, the cere above it is blue. There is a dark red, three-pointed crest above the cere, from which extend three feather plumes; additionally, there are other, similar plumes present on the sides of Wargle's face. Along with the feathery "mane" on the back of its head and neck, all these features have been described to give the impression of a feathered headdress. Wargle's back and the upper sides of its wings are dark red, the undersides of both being navy-colored. There are spiky feathers on the upper portions of Wargle's large yellow talons, with the talons possessing black nails and an arrangement of three in front and one in back. Wargle's tail feathers are mainly red, with a yellow stripe and blue tipping.
(If it feels a little rushed, then it is because I did not want my competition "nipping at my heels".) Steph 02:57, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Don't know how this got missed, but it's in there now. Thank you! --Darkeiya talk to me! 02:48, 22 July 2010 (UTC)


Aren't we using "Brute Force"? At least that's what Hihidaruma's article says... - Taylor 02:49, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

Same ability? TTEchidna 02:51, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Yep. Both listed in Japanese as 「ちからづく」. - Taylor 02:53, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Fixed, then. TTEchidna 02:57, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
I'm sure that the answer to this may be "just ignore it until release," but I thought that it may be a good idea to bring this now... Corocoro has actually been printing what seems to be a misspelling of this ability for the past two months and yes, this means that the translation would need to be fixed. The real way to spell it (as shown on the official B/W website and the Pokemon daisuki club is actually 「ちからずく」 instead of 「ちからづく」, which comes out in the dictionary as "by force; by sheer strength; by main force" ... this also makes more sense seeing how the effect is +attack strength / -secondary effects. My best suggestion for a possible translation would be something like "Sheer Strength," but that is up to the admins to decide I guess... just thought that it might be worth pointing this out :p ... and possibly interesting trivia for whenever the article for the ability is made haha >.< (Yaminokame 14:45, 15 July 2010 (UTC))


Is this pokemon's name Wargle or Wooguru? I just wanted to know since their is this article and an unwritten one called Wooguru. --Crimsonnavy 03:27, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

It's the same thing. But Wargle is actually more correct, it reflects the meaning and has big chance to be the Trademarked Romaji. --Maxim 08:24, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

War thing

"Wargle is derived from war, possibly in reference to the many wars the US has involved itself in" - this doesn't really make much sence to me. It just refers to the word "war", probably reflecting this bird's bellicose personality. Searching for a hidden reference to America is very farfetched here. Also, many countries have an eagle as national bird (Poland, Russia, Germany, Austria etc.) --Maxim 08:24, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

I have to say that currently it seems kinda dumb to be claiming that this pokemon is "so American." If anything I'd say it's much more an homage to Native Americans than the United States. The headdress especially. Native Americans used bright colors. There's yellow on this thing, which there isn't on the US flag. Can we consider removing the parallels to the US in the article at least for the time being? GreatLiver 14:00, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
I second that decision, at least for now, and when we can tell what the yellow means. Pokemonemerfan1954 14:12, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
I agree with GreatLiver. While I did not notice the similarities to the American flag (which I think do exist), I do agree that it has far more to do with Native American culture than contemporary American culture (who's flag colors are actually based on those of the French Revolution, and not their Native neighbors). Also consider that during the time of western expansion, many Native American tribes considered war to be a major part of their culture, and would probably wear such headdresses as Wargle bears during raids, combats, and rituals preparing for them. (Ryuken13 15:10, 14 July 2010 (UTC))
I also agree with this. Never before in Pokēmon has there been any reference or stab at a specific country, or any homages to real life nationalities. There has, however, been homages to mythological creatures, ancient cultures, and the garbs that they might wear. Look at Ludicolo. We don't say "Ooh, he's obviously Mexican." He's based on a clothing style the people wear, but he has otherwise no correlation to them. Wargle, like Ludicolo, seems to be based on a clothing style of the Native Americans, in this case, the war headdress. His coloration, while having some similarities to the US colors, are too vague to be assumed as an obvious reference to the US. And besides, Pokēmon tend to stay clear of the political affairs that plague governments. --Oleandervine 16:59, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
The American flag is not in any way based on the colors of the French Revolution. That is impossible, and anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the 18th century would know that it's impossible. Native American culture is an important part of American history, even if we did spend most of our first 120 years trying to murder them. This Pokemon is not just an eagle, but a bald eagle, which is one of the most easily-recognizable symbols of America. This is the kind of Pokemon Stephen Colbert would train. Tolstak 22:50, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
It's just as I've feared, there's now debates and strong opinions on its origins. Can't we just say that it appears to just be based on a bald eagle, or other similar birds of prey, until we actually know more about it to warrant guesses? Mudkipchan 04:22, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
The thing is though it doesn't really resemble specifically a bald eagle. Just an eagle. It's face isn't white. It just has the white feathers under the headdress. It's an eagle wearing a headdress. People are just too wrapped up in it being an eagle, and therefore it must be a bald eagle which can only mean it's American. It's not. If the thing had stars going down its back, then maybe I'd give that argument credability. It isn't just red white and blue, it's got just as much yellow on it as it does blue. Both the bald and golden eagles are important to Native American cultures, and this thing seems to be a combination of the two, making a stronger argument for it being inspired by Native American culture.GreatLiver 13:56, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
Actually, it's a bald eagle in a headdress. And the only gold I see is a single stripe on its tail, as well as its beak and feet, which are likely colored that way because that's generally how beaks and feet are colored on birds. It's quite clearly a red, white, and blue bald eagle in a headdress with a stripe of yellow on its tail.

Why on earth would they include the yellow at all though? They wouldn't. Beak and talons aside it has just as much yellow as it does blue. And no, it is not a bald eagle in a headdress. You can see that it's neck and lower face are blue. Not white. Bald eagles have white tails as well, which Wargle doesn't. Even though you can count that off as aesthetics the fact is it's face is not white, therefore it is not a bald eagle. And even if it were American, why would it be wearing the headdress. That is very Native American. It's called a war bonnet. This pokemon's name is derived from war. See, that there's a connection.GreatLiver 00:00, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

Just to point out how wrong you are. The whole underside of Wargle is blue. So therefore there is not as much yellow as there is blue. There are two different "shades" of blue, but that doesn't change the fact it's just as blue as it is red.--Dman dustin 03:27, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
But it isn't the blue of the American flag. It's more purple. Magenta's a shade of red, cream's a shade of white, and cyan's a shade of blue. Just because they're shades of the colors on the American flag, it doesn't make it representative of the American flag. Porygon's got the same color scheme as shades of the American flag. It doesn't make it representative of America.GreatLiver 14:25, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Porygon isn't an eagle, either, nor does it have white, except on the eyes. Wargle has a thin stripe of yellow on its tail. That's the only yellow on it, barring the beak and feet. It doesn't use the same shades as the American flag because it looks better with darker colors. It's quite clearly a red, white and blue eagle. The huge patch of white feathers behind the headdress give it the appearance of a bald eagle, widely recognized as a symbol of the United States. The headdress is indicative of Native Americans, because Native Americans are an important part of America. The idea that a reference to either one means it's impossible for it to be a reference to the other is simply foolish. Tolstak 19:08, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Wargle's underside is Navy Blue, just like it's Navy Blue on the US Flag. Granted there seems to be different variations of the US Flag (in terms of shading), some have Royal Blue, others seem to have dull blue-gray color (and some as I said have Navy Blue). Even the red seems to have variations in the flag (some being a bright red, others appear to be a darker red). I'm not saying Wargle is connected to the American (because even with colors, everyone seems to be missing the biggest one, and that's the stars). LOL about all these color issues, and yet not one brings up the fact Wargle doesn't have any stars anywhere on its body (that we know of). --Dman dustin 19:35, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Stars aren't necessary. The colors are blatant enough. Tolstak 19:54, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
I'd like to point out that the red part of it's crest looks like half a star to me, I'm not sure if anyone else notices that.
Anyways, I do see how it can be thought as a Pokemon representing the United States. But when I look it overall, it makes me think of the Americas instead of just the United States. (I even thought it was a parrot at first. =P)
Maybe it's more specifically focused on North America as the crest that I mentioned early not only looks like half a star to me but also sort of looks like a maple leaf. Bald Eagles cover quite a lot of the northern Americas » £ilurα -τ- -¢- 21:02, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
While bald eagles may be native to large regions of Northern Americas, people think that it represents the US because the bald eagle is their national animal, and the colors red, white and blue are in its design, not because of where bald eagles live. --SnorlaxMonster 07:39, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
Many countries have these colours in their flags. I don't think this Pokémon is related to the US. Bubblewrap 18:44, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
You honestly don't think a red, white, and blue bald eagle is any way related to the United States? It's called the "Valor Pokemon," for Christ's sake! It's clearly meant to be a patriotic symbol. Tolstak 19:26, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

In the interest of not flooding this page with speculation, I think the origen of this Pokémons apperance and name should be left alone until we get some more solid information about those topics. If you feel like ranting and arguing it should be done in the forums. EpicShadow 20:37, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I just thought of something. It's been said that the thing on its head is reminiscent of a Native American headdress. Maybe Warrior + Eagle instead? TTEchidna 20:53, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
I have no idea why people are so persistent in thinking it has to reference America aside from the "war bonnet" having similarities with those of Native Americans. Warrior + Eagle is feasible---it could even be "warmongering" or "warlike" for all we know. Steph 22:25, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
Its a red white and blue Eagle. What do you think of when you see this? Now put it in Pokemon form. The US Symbol similarities are at least worth a mention. How many other obscure conclusions do other Pokemon have in their Origin sections?--J.Harkness 23:49, 21 July 2010 (UTC)


Isn't Wargle supposed to be resistant to Grass-type?--Kusnir 18:53, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
Can anybody fix it in the article?--Kusnir 01:27, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Fixed, thanks. Jello 01:41, 16 July 2010 (UTC)
Holy pickles! At last... God bless you!--Kusnir 04:12, 16 July 2010 (UTC)


I think it should be pointed out that its crest resembles a Native American headdress. --Goldenpelt 02:40, 15 July 2010 (UTC)


Hey, I think Wargle should be made to redirect here (and the same with Wargle (Pokemon)), right? I can't do it myself because it (Wargle) is protected.--J.Harkness 22:39, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

Free Fall has a video up from Oha Suta that shows Wargle using a move called フリーフォール Free Fall where Wargle grabs an opponent's Pokémon and takes it into the air.--PhantomJunkie 07:42, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

I've made a draft page for this move in my userspace: User:Phantomjunkie/Free Fall (move)--PhantomJunkie 08:09, 23 July 2010 (UTC)


Football players. In Isshu. America? TTEchidna 06:27, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

What does this have to do with Wargle? Take it to the forums. --Darkeiya talk to me! 06:28, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Wait, what? Did I miss something?--Pokélova! 06:35, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Filb video came out. Football players are in the game as Trainers. If Isshu is America, then Wargle is damn right based on the US. TTEchidna 06:37, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Just because we have football players doesn't mean that Isshu is America. And even if it were, that doesn't necessarily mean that Wargle is based on the US. Quit trying to force your opinion on this page. It's quickly growing obnoxious. --Darkeiya talk to me! 06:39, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Seems pretty blatant to me. Too bad it still counts as speculation.--Pokélova! 06:42, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
America - yes. Wargle being symbol of all the wars that US has taken part in - no. --Maxim 08:34, 30 July 2010 (UTC)


Do we know it's a normal type? Random Chaos 16:22, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it was confirmed. Turtwig's A-B-Cs (talk | contribs) 16:52, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Edit request

There's a "Pokemon" in the Physiology section. CuboneKing 19:50, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

Invigorate -> Sheer Strength

Can someone able to edit this page please change Invigorate to Sheer Strength? Invigorate is a translation based off of an error in CoroCoro. The real spelling for its ability is "ちからずく" not "ちからづく", therefore the translation is a little different. For whoever can do it, if you can get Hihidaruma as well that would be great. Thanks :) (Yaminokame 01:35, 12 August 2010 (UTC))

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