March 26th?

Is it supposed to air here? Because DP119 airs this time as well. Is it a one-hour special or just a typo? SL-samacontribs 02:36, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

It is a one hour special. Visit Pokeani. Ҝəυzø8 02:42, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

New Title

Pokeani confirmed that the official title is "The Lonely Yukikabli." The current title is a special apart from the series. - unsigned comment from Jonouchi (talkcontribs)

Apart from the series meaning not even needing to be in the list of DP episodes. We don't put that Porygon special in there. TTEchidna 17:05, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
Maybe this should be protected. Many people seriously think that James will get a Snover. *tc26* 17:31, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
I think so too...also considering that this Snover is apparently lonely. --PsychicRider 17:34, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
Nah, I don't think so. Nothing proves it, so there's no reason for someone to put that --Nick., something to say? 04:46, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
Hey, in my opinion Brock should, but let's not turn this into an arguement. (All James needs is Cacnea, Chime and Growlie back) ElectricArbok 17:29, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
I've always wanted Brock to be the one to capture a Snover. --Dusknoir477 18:11, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

Issue with the title (READ PLEASE)

Take a look at the bottom of the page.

It says that DP120 is ふしぎないきもの ポケットモンスター! Teach Me Pocket Monsters!, like it did before. Then it says that DP121 is さびしがりやのユキカブリ! The Lonely Yukikabli! and DP122 is 進化!その時ポッチャマは!? Evolution! This Time For Pochama!?.

It also says that DP120 will air with DP119 on March 26 and DP121 will air with DP122 on April 2nd.

Shouldn't it be changed? --ケンジガール 22:43, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

Not according to the official TV Tokyo listings. Apparently Pokéani is still convinced that "teach me" thing is an episode despite multiple listings confirming otherwise. Trust me, Pokéani'll know soon enough that the "teach me" thing isn't an episode...--Shiningpikablu252 22:48, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
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