Pokémon Stadium

Revision as of 19:56, 14 January 2006 by MissingNotoRukario (talk | contribs)

Pokémon Stadium 1 is a spinoff series of the Game Boy games, made for the Nintendo 64 gaming console. The original release in Japan contained only 40 of the Generation I Pokémon. A remake was later made and released in both Japan and the US which contained all 151 Generation I Pokemon. It allowed players to upload their Game Boy Pokémon into the N64 by means of a Transfer Pak and then using them to battle in full 3D, as well as providing other features, including:

  • Mini-Games
  • Two levels of tough AI competition
  • 2x and 3x speed gameplay (Doduo and Dodrio Game Boy mode)

The game proved to be so sucessful, a sequel titled Pokémon Stadium 2 was made that featured the Generation II Pokémon.
