User:TZ222/Agori Regin

A fake regin.

A fake game

Played on DS.

The Agori regin is a far off island where fishing is the main way of catching pokemon.

Surfing is a main way of transportation.

Once you get the national Dex you can travel to the Sevii islands.

Your house is located on an island east of the main island. Matan Island

Professor Poplar is the new professor.

She gives you one of the three starters when you need to travel to another island, Blue Island, which is a few miles north of yours. You Must go there to receve a speacial chip to create a new kind of Pokenav, The Pokenav XL. She Also gives you the NE pass, Allowing you to travel to the three eastern Islands, Matan Island, Blue island, and Catch island, a small island that only has a pokemon center, 2 houses, and a great fishing spot.

The starters are Roota (grass), Lighnor (fire), and Spheano (water).

The main Island is Agori Island. It has five citys on it. Age City, Dusty Town, Poplar City, Treks Town and Surf town. It a tribe of Natives at the south end.

The other islands are Sinn Island, Kann Island, Joth Island, Hoon Island, Ishi Island, and Volcano Island.

The evil team is Team Aqua. They came here to flood the Islands. They captured Kyogre. Their new leader is named Alice. Alice has a child. If your a boy, she has a Daughter named Chloe. If your a Girl she has a son named Tyson.

Alices pokemon team for the final battle is: (Spheano's final form) Sphearanno, Whiscash, Kyogre, Watron, and Surfee.

The Gym leaders are: Rocky who owns rock types, Cedric with fire, Miah and water, Corey with grass, Nate and Dark, Tyler with Flying, Kim with Bug, and Jenny with Dragon.

Some other distant islands are Pii Island, Trade Island,and Baybee Island. You can go to Trade Island if you have Wi-Fi.

On Pii island you can find Pikachus, and Pichus.

On Trade island you can go to the GTS. You also see trainers who will trade pokemon with you. Each day of the week different trainers come. The pokemon from the trades are from different countries.

On Baybee Island you can Ccatch Baby pokemon at level 5-30. On this island you also can go to the breeding house, where you get a different egg every day. You can get Togepi, Duskull, Ponyta, Eevee, Bidoof, Seal, Pichu, Pachurisu andShinx.

If you have leaf green in the GBA slot you can also get Bulbasaur egg and a Magby egg.

If fire red is in the GBA slot you can get a Charmander egg and an Elekid egg.

If you have ruby, you could get Torchic and Zangoose in the eggs.

If it's Saphire, You could get Mudkip and Seviper in the eggs.

Emerald could get you Treeko, Lotad, or Seedot it the eggs.

Squirtle will appear in eggs if use the mystory gift option while your at a Wi-fi hot spot.

Unown Island is an island that appears Every Tuesday at 6:00Am-6:ooPm. If your on this island and the clock turns to 6:01 the island will disappear and you will be teleported to the last visited pokemon center. This island appears at random places. The Unown will change levels to the level most pokemon are in the area.

Marowak Island is a far off island that appears at 8:00pm-6:00am. This island is south of your home Island. It appears after you get the National Dex. It is named after the departed Marowak that Team Rocket killed. Mr. Fuji Found it. You can catch Gastly, Haunter, Duskull, Shuppet, Musdrevious, Cubone, and Marowak.

Other pokemon will be announced soon.