
Joined 1 December 2008
13,293 bytes added ,  15 January 2009
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{{User Dex Count|45|28|her}}
{{User Unown}}
{{User Unown}}
{{User Read Unown}}
{{User Alltypes|133.png}}
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{{User No Shipper}}
{{User No Shipper}}
{{User Asexual}}
{{User Cat}}
{{User Cat}}
{{User Agnostic}}
{{User Agnostic}}
{{User Sing}}
{{User Sing}}
{{User Types Quickly}}
{{User Types Quickly}}
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{{User Alltypes|133.png}}
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{{User Baby Kangaskhan}}
{{User Baby Kangaskhan}}
{{User Birthday|December 25}}
{{User Birthday|December 25}}
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==The Very Long Story of Salix==
Once upon a time there was a person who'd never played any game, except for the occasional one at a friend's house. As he was an only child and homeschooled, this was taken as "his thing". Then, one day, the original person, hereafter known as Salix, found that both her and sibling had saved up a decent amount of money. Enough to buy a GBC and a few games each. They'd heard about this pokemon thing, and decided to try it. Salix ended up with Red and Gold (and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Second Edition, it was presumably very cheap or a gift), sibling ended up with Blue, Silver and Yellow. 'Twas Salix's introduction to the video game as owned by one's self, and she grew to love Gold. Not as much Red, but these things happen. It helps that she remembers naming her Red character with a female symbol in an effort to look like a girl, and subsequently realize how stupid that looked. Salix raised a lovely team in Gold, with the Red Gyarados being the only sign of a shiny she saw the entire game, a Houndoom and an Alakazam. She also managed to spring for a one of those connector cables, allowing the siblings to trade occaissonally when the cable could be found (and is currently missing again, no surprise). She also ran into a very odd phenomenon, that as far as she knows is not really know otherwise, which took the form off an odd question mark near New Bark Town, which she was going agh *paranoia* is this Celebi? Unfortunately, she doesn't remember if it fainted or ran or was run from, but Salix never managed to repeat the experience.
Salix eventually found someone on her bus who not only also played, but sold her the Gold/Silver strategy guide for the lovely price of $5. And he gave her Blue as well. And gave her candy a lot. In retrospect, he was probably crushing on her. She also eventually bought Crystal. However, tragedy struck. Not only did the free Blue delete itself fairly soon after being acquired (Salix suspects magnets were involved rather than the battery dying) but in Crystal, just before fighting, and hopefully catching, Suicune, Salix saved and turned off the game, and found that the next time she tried to run it Crystal had also deleted itself. It rather upset her. After a while, she managed to lose not just the cable, but Red and Gold as well (Crystal was also lost but unplayable so it mattered less) and Salix put the Game Boy down with what she thought was the Millionaire game in it. (Blue, for some reason, has always stayed easy to find, which rather vexes Salix).
After a very long time, including Salix moving into the internet in general, and mostly ignoring Pokémon, having moved onto other games as the family eventually bought a PS2 and Dark Cloud claimed her attention, Salix was given a DS as a gift (and Tetris, which Salix is still ignoring and will continue to in the future. It's not that fun, folks). She then, in a mildly convoluted fashion, refound her GBC, found it had Link's Awakening instead of the game show, and her sister then found and extra copy of Gold somewhere which has lost it's ability to retain save files. It is currently residing in the GBC. After some rather varied game playing, was also given a Wii as a two-months-late Birthmasish present, and after some debating with herself got My Pokémon Ranch. Now this may seem a bit odd, as Salix has not mentioned Diamond or Pearl anywhere yet, but the reasoning behind this was that she could afford it, and she was planning on filling the ranch up with... well, not much, but some plotting later led to the plan of exploiting Hayley and borrowing a friend's Pokémon. After a while of this, the same friend that gave her the DS took pity on her and bought her Diamond as well.
Salix's brilliant idea was to then name the game after specific characters and make their teams for them (it's a long story. Suffice it to say she was bored one day). Now, the one team was easy as someone traded her the eggs for them, but the second team was a bit harder. As in she passed the Elite Four, caught all the easily available legendaries and did a good section of her Pokédex before realizing she really wanted a game of her own. As you might guess, this was a bit hard, as besides the Pokémon she had originally come for and the amassed legendaries, she'd also caught all the Unowns and had traded several Pokémon from Hayley. Not to mention the incredible amount of things amassed through digging in the Underground, like 30 Heart Scales and 20 Thunder/Fire/Sun Stones. Yes, each. Luckily, friend who gave her Diamond was willing to hang onto the Pokémon/items until she'd caught enough to trade back. Unluckily, he also put a limit on how many Pokémon could be traded. After a small amount of tweaking, being choosy, and giving up, Salix managed to keep about 102 of the Pokémon from the game, including several from after Elite Four, all the legendaries, all the Unowns, the two HM slaves, the main team, and the Pokémon that the game had originally been started for. Whew. Just before this point the same friend lent her his Emerald, and she salvaged several of for her main game. Of course, everything else went on the Ranch, which shows that she was obviously looking ahead. Somehow. Since then, Salix has half the time been doing plot in Diamond and half the time trying to complete the Sinnoh Dex. Which is why her dex counts are so low.
Salix would like to point out that since she only recently got back into Pokémon, lives in Canada, and refuses to cheat, the only event Pokémon she has is through other games. She got Phione through Ranch, will get Mew through it, and got Manaphy from someone with Ranger. She actually has access to a Jirachi bonus disc, except that she A) does not have Ruby/Sapphire, B) Has found that Emerald won't pick up Jirachi, and C) has been unable to find R/S and the only people with Ruby can't reset due to built up games. She has no access to Deoxys, can't get Darkrai since she can't afford the new Ranger, and isn't going to cheat for 'em.
==Why Certain People Do Not Like Cheating==
===(Why yes, there's a reason)===
Now, way back in Salix's Red game, Salix heard about the MissingNo. thing (either through the very first friend mentioned or the one on the bus, but she was mainly playing Gold on the bus so eh), and played around with it. Salix has no idea which Missing No. varients she collected, but she does know that she never bothered training them. She also never bothered duplicating Rare Candies, possibly making her unique in the world of the Rare Candy cheat. Other than that, she never heard of the Mew glitch or the Glitch City one, so she went on her way happily. Now, when she heard about duplicating Pokémon in Gold via that turn off your game halfway through switching boxes in the PC thing, she decided to try it out. She indeed managed to clone five of her six party Pokémon, but then something went wrong and her Meganium deleted itself. Since then, Salix has decided that cheating really isn't worth it.
===Some stories about some usertags===
Feel free to skip over this bit. I've deleted the really boring bits though
Phione is from Ranchand the Manaphy was traded from someone who didn't care any more for a Bidoof. She checked, it's legit. <br>
Anne the Cherubi was a happy accident, where Salix was breeding up a Cherubi from one traded for in the GTS (it's Japanese, and the name changes back to English when it evolves), and decided to grab a second egg since why not. Anne's older sister Columbia was born perfectly normally, and named after the province where all of the good cherries come from. Salix then hatched the second egg, went "hm, it's lighter than what I remember", and completely failed to think of a name. After a slightly silly suggestion involving angels from sibling (cherubim are one of the classes), Salix had the person at the computer look up breeds of cherries, and decided on Queen Anne, as Bing is a silly name for a girl. She then checked the summary screen because, really, Cherubi shouldn't be that light. She was correct. Cherubi is now being trained into a Cherrim. Well, will be once the Elite Four get beat.
Salix only lists the two games she owns and remembers properly. She doesn't even remember which starter she picked in Red, and Emerald isn't hers. She also plays XD and PMD Blue, but Blue is also borrowed and XD is currently a shared game. The main reason she wants Platinum is to create more of the character teams. Salix gets very bored sometimes. <br>
Games she's lost: in one sense, Crystal since she never even had a chance to beat the game ;_; . In the other sense, Red, Gold, Crystal are all missing. Blue isn't lost, but it's deleted, along with whatever was on the cartridge.
Dexs, in order: Diamond Nat. Dex, Sinnoh Dex, and Hoenn (Emerald) Dex. Sinnoh will vanish when it gets finished, which better be soon. <br>
Salix prefers to type smash everything, but only recently realized that maybe she should branch off the moves learned by levelling and the STAB ones. <br>
And Salix only realized the Fun With Breeding as of Diamond, and therefore is having way too much fun with breeding, but hasn't figured out chains yet. And she may by slightly biased by Anne the hatched Shiny Cherubi.
Salix has a lovely older tiny kitty that was rescued from a puppy-mill breeder when she was a year old, or so the breeder claims, and she absolutely refuses to have any other cats in the house. She also thinks the dog sucks (which her owner agrees with), but the dog doesn't care.
Salix really, really hates Bidoof, as it's what she thinks of the epitome of Stupid Pokemon Designs. And she doesn't like what happened to the beaver. She also doesn't like Mudkips entirely because of that meme. Yep.
She hikes a lot, caves when she can, and lives near mountains and therefore can do these things. Muahaha. However, being a nocturnal person, this makes hiking more interesting. Caving not so much since they're dark anyway and Salix wuvs them. <br>
Very occasionally, Salix plays both Brawl and Melee, but not often, and has no wireless so no, she can't play with you.
Dragoness being here is entirely Salix's fault, and they tend to talk about anything. Often. <br>
And usertags are too much fun, and half of this babbling is to try to keep up with that sidebar over there since any tables tend to drop to the end of the sidebar on Salix's Firefox and she doesn't want a lot of whitespace. Also, you can probably tell that this entire thing was in third-person, and was originally tried to be written without personal pronouns, but certain people gave up. We now return you to non-third person.
==Slightly more on topic things==
Nicho - ID: 62004
{| border=1 style="background: #fff; border:1px solid #000; border-collapse:collapse;"
| Travelling:
| [[Image:Spr_4d_389.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_130_m.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_078.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_405_f.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_430.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_065_m.png]]
| Training:
| [[Image:Spr_4d_352.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_219.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_478.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_470.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_429.png]]
| [[Image:Spr_4d_409.png]]
Salix - ID: 37352 (currently being planned)
===Obtained Legendaries===
Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Cresselia, Phione, Giratina, Heatran, Manaphy, Palkia
===Friend Codes===
I don't release my friend codes to people I doesn't know. I'm willing to give it out if I can collect new user IDs, but I also have very limited access to the Wifi and you'll have to arrrange with me to trade, somehow.
As I only have four badges in Sinnoh and three in Hoenn, I'm slightly behind in my Pokédex count. Therefore, my main collection is fairly easy to find things, with a few exceptions from friends. I'll put up a list of my tradeable/breedable and tradeable Pokémon later. Things like Eevee, a selection of starters including all the Hoenn/Sinnoh and two of the Kanto, Phione, Burmy, Feebas, and Munchlax. I am currently looking for almost everything non-Sinnoh or Hoenn dex, although I do have a few from that island by Sinnoh and XD, and may have access to FRLG later. So no, I don't want Bidoof. If you offer, I'm going to ignore you. Again, don't like cheating, so no hacks.
===Bulbapedia Work===
I've apparently adopted finishing off the Club Look-See page as my project. Expect infrequent updates, mostly because apparently once you run through all 37, the ranches are random from then on, and you don't get Look-Sees every day anyway.
I am also attempting to clean up some old Sugimori pictures that I've found/scanned/have been sent to me, but I don't know if Bulbapedia is at all interested in them. Especially since I'm new to this cleaning thing and for the most part don't have the original artwork for clues as to whether that area was shaded or if it's JPEG corruption. Currently working on RB artwork, will be working on GS when I scan my strategy guide.
